Seek Wisdom: 20th Sunday of Ordinary Time
Recently, I asked my students to share something that they are thankful for this Thanksgiving. When I assigned it, I knew that I had to teach by example. Below is something I shared with my students.
Thanksgiving is the day that I always look forward to every year. While everyone jumps on the Christmas wagon after All Hallow’s Eve, I want to ensure that I commemorate a holiday that helps us reflect, show gratitude, and most importantly count the blessings in my life. With the year in its waning weeks, it is important for everyone to do this. This Thanksgiving, I am thankful for so much.
To me, the holiday is more than eating turkey, watching or playing football, or enjoying one’s amazing pie. Rather, it is a day to remember all that God has bestowed upon us. For me, he has done just that.
I am thankful for God. He has been there for me through everything. He has blessed and protected me. I am nothing without him. He is more present every time I receive him at Mass and pray for an hour in adoration.
I am thankful for Hanna, my girlfriend. She has become more than a girlfriend. She is my best friend. I have been praying for her for the longest time. She has challenged me to be better and to go for something greater. Her and I have done so much as we approach our one-year anniversary of when we met and had our first date. I find it hard to believe that we have learned so much. I look forward to growing with her in virtue. I’m even thankful we haven’t had an argument thus far.
I am thankful for my friends and family. Whether, it’s the laughs, smiles, stories, or just company, they have helped me through the good, bad, and worst times of my life. Without them, I would be nothing.
I am thankful for the faculty and students at the high school that I've been teaching since September of this year. They have taught me so much just as much as I have been teaching them the importance of having God in their lives.
There is so much to be thankful for indeed. I realize that there is so much to enjoy. Remember to always count your blessings. Moreover, share your blessings with the people around you.
Happy Thanksgiving. See you in the Eucharist.