Receive The Holy Spirit
Offering Thanksgiving
Today I give thanks for all the Graces You have bestowed
The ones that help me here and now and those that come tomorrow
All the gifts You offer secular and Sacramentally Divine
That keep me alive and pure and part of Your Loving Vine
Today I must muster up to stop again as I always seem to fail
Doing things always my way I must stop living this grim fairytale
No today I must strive to be different to surrender my being my ego
To be thankful for all You’ve given I must free myself to You I must let go
Then I will be able to give myself to all
For I will have You beside me constantly winter spring summer or fall
To do Your Will will be my greatest gift this Thanksgiving
To offer myself to do Your Bidding to You Who have created everything
Please Lord give me the strength and the courage to do this right
To not fear I call on Your Spirit to keep my path lit bright
And now to you my Father and Jesus Your Son and the Holy Spirit All Three
I offer myself my being to You now and forever O Blessed Trinity
JFFIII 11/23/23