"A Lost Generation"
The Life we live is already Real!
This is about an inquisitive reality that does exist in the mind of man. Saying this states that what lies beyond the intellect of mankind are questions that are inborn but not understood. Each of us is a creation of God to be with him in eternity. The search is for the true beginning that each person born through carnal desires has already been an eternal wish of God.
What could that entity mean if we have come from an existence with God’s intention before an earthly birth will become more than a philosophical premise. It might just be that you and I are already an actuality of God’s deeper image as he created all that is. If we want to believe that mankind becomes an existence only through the biological means to human life, then the truth that with God there is no past or future is erroneous. Our life here or in heaven is not a future event that is to come; it already exists. As I mentioned before in a past article, sometimes we view a young baby and that child looks at us with a familiar recognition that they have already seen us.
What then is the reason for a human birth filled with pain and suffering, disasters world-wide, and the possibility of only a few souls finding their way back to God, and multitudes plummeting into hell? With that question we find that there cannot be an answer that will satisfy the inquisitive mind of man into God’s mystery of life. No one knows the mind or will of God. The only possible and plausible response lies with “Trust Me”.
A real scenario of human-life is the path each is endowed with to return to God through something called in learning as a test. Are we able to come from an existence of eternal bliss to the trials of humanity, and using the one gracious gift of Free Will to reach out to our creator on our own initiative? This one attribute of all living beings, angels as well as humans, is the exam that makes or breaks the only way back to God.
Satan, an Archangel of God with the powers of angelic existence, could not confine himself to passing the test, how can we without that power pass the exam? Simple! God also gave each creation the deep desire of knowing that none of us could rest until we placed our knowledge of belonging to him deep within our spirits. As Augustine put it; “Our hearts are restless until they rest in God.”
If one comes from an environment of goodness and peace their one desire is to emanate that beginning and continually reach out for its security. This is a calling found deep in the recesses of our own psyche and will respond positively when the struggles of sin confront us, only if our spirit is open to God’s grace. That environment is eternity with God, forever and ever.
From where we came will be the final call when our last breath approaches the testing of our temporary life on earth. How we responded to the vital exam we endured will be the diploma each will carry at the judgment seat of Christ.
One last comment on the possibility of our future and present-existence with God in eternity. Remember with God there never was a beginning, and everything he created was not a past-tense existence. Everything and everyone regardless of our human terminology is always present without beginning. The blessing of all this is at least our presence with Almighty God will also never have an ending. We were created to be with God because he so ordained it.
Ralph B. Hathaway