We Aren’t Made for People Pleasing
How do we make sense of Christ the King’s feast day and the Gospel we hear today which seems to be centered on Christ’s call to serve Him in the least of these? The Gospel certainly doesn’t sound very “kingly” and royal does it? For such a feast day, we may expect to hear about adoring Christ on the throne in all of His kingly power.
But Christ’s Kingship isn’t royalty as we know it.
His Kingship aims to break down the evils and injustices in our midst and create a world where everyone’s needs are met and love prevails. Christ humbles Himself and puts Himself in the place of the most vulnerable in our society. He asks us today if we can see Him in these people we so often overlook.
In Christ’s kingdom, the hungry are fed. The thirsty are given drink. The naked are clothed. The sick are cared for and healed. The imprisoned are visited. The stranger is welcomed. The servants and followers of Christ the King do all of these things to help bring forth the vision of Christ: a more just, loving, and caring world in God’s image and likeness.
Perhaps a good question to ask ourselves today is, are we adoring Christ the King in His royal place, or are we adoring Him by embracing His call to see and serve Him in the most vulnerable and needy in our midst?
Which do you think Christ envisions based on the Gospel’s message today?