Your Mother
There that’s enough I don’t need to
give more
I have given enough to help the poor
I need the rest of the money to buy that and maybe this
Yes I need my store bought joyful bliss
Lord I’ve given a lot a percent or maybe two
Mind you after taxes and those I have paid too
Look I even gave that poor begging lady the dollar I had found
I’m generous Lord I’ve been around
Say what’s this she’s here at Church at Mass
I am in a weird disbelief I suddenly gasp
Wait didn’t I just give her that money
That she just put into the collection her offertory
I didn’t think they went to church or even pray
The poor and the wretched that I pass everyday
I thought all they do is beg and drink
My heart is now beginning to sink
It appears she gave all she had why
She must know something I don’t oh my my
She even has a smile on her face a big grin
Oh how decrepit am I ashamed how far I’ve fallen into this chagrin
She gave all she had and she knew why
She has trust in Him in the Lord God Who Lives on High
Yes I’d forgotten the words until I saw her giving action
Which explains now my horrific reaction
Give till it hurts be it ever so awful and terrible
And then give more yes ouch but the results so very pleasurable
For what you reap in your displeasure yes very hard
But you’ll gain the most wonderful reward
Your gain a future full of never ending happiness
In Heaven with your Savior your Lord Jesus
JFFIII 11/27/23
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