Opinion : Barbie Movie Review : Anti-Authentic Femininity Masqueraded With A Pink Bow
A couple days ago it was The Feast of Saint Catherine of Alexandria. As I was creating a post about her life; it got me thinking about how every day truly is a “blessed” day, as each day in The Church holds a different feast day of some Saint of God. The Holy Saints; these men and women who lead holy lives, bless and sanctify each day through their blessed lives. The Saint's heroic witnesses and displays of faith, sprinkle the days of the year with holiness and blessedness.
Blessed Anne Catherine Emmerich can be quoted saying, “Saints are particularly powerful on their feast day, and should be invoked then.” Each day holds the power of the living God manifested through a Saint of His. This profound realization should fill our souls with joy and gratitude for the blessedness bestowed upon us. In truth, we can say that our “cup runneth over” (Psalm 23:5) and we are blessed with the rich grace from the righteousness of The Saints.
If we but invoke the particular Saint whose feast day it is, we may experience their powerful intercession, and thus be on our way to living out the blessedness of The Saints. Every day is a blessed day because every day is the day The Lord has made, and every day holds a joyous Feast.
May we rejoice and be glad, and dwell in the house of The Lord forever.