The Farmer and The Seed
Desire Habit Compulsion
Submitted by Thomas Stidl
This is an odd title for an article, so please bear with me. Many years ago, I watched a television program about the above title. The sermon master was the late Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen known as Uncle Fultie to my parents. Hopefully some day very soon, Fulton J. Sheen will become Saint Uncle Fultie. His usual wit and wisdom was in rare form that day. He spoke of the James Bond secret agent hero known as “007”.
After this explanation, he brought another secret agent into focus. He called this one “006”. If I recall correctly he equated “006” to worldly desires. I am going to focus on one worldly desire for this article. The sexual appetite exhibited during the 1960’s was quite a commodity. Usually, these sexual desires become habits. Hence, the secret agent “066” was introduced. Unfortunately, sexual habits have a great propensity to grow. They grow to a degree that we must have it and stop at nothing to fulfill our desires. This is known as a compulsion. Compulsions require a new secret agent. His number is “666”. Do you get the picture? We all know who secret agent “666” is, namely Satan the devil.
This type of compulsion can either be opposite sex attraction or same sex attraction. I wrote about the latter in my article, “Natural Order”. To rid ones self of this or any other type of compulsion requires much fasting, abstinence, deep prayer, and sacramental confession. One must make a firm amendment not to commit these sins in the future. This is the only way to remove the bondage of sin. With all these practices, the compulsions should cease and be reduced to habits that can then be controlled by strong willpower. Once changing our attitudes controls habits, they become desires or wishes that can be controlled changing thoughts about the original desires and actual graces.
Quite possibly, the priest may elect to add an older form of absolution to the current absolution where the priest mentions the fact that God through the priest’s sacramental power frees the penitent from every bond and excommunication within the priest’s power and the penitent’s need. This is another possible remedy for same sex attraction. It is my hope that these concepts help everyone to lead happy, holy lives no matter what the desire, habit, or compulsion exists in anyone’s life.
Until next time, Laus Tibi, Christe. Deo Gratias. Gloria Tibi Domini. Praise be to God. See you in Paradise. Amen.