God’s Graces
Eileen Renders December 2023
Much has been said about God’s graces and blessings that He bestows abundantly upon those who follow Him and are faithful to His Commandments and sacraments. Little has been said, however, with regard to what many of those graces and blessings are. It is here with you right now that I would like to share some of the blessings and graces God has given me for faithfulness to Him and His Commandments for the past forty years.
To begin with, God has blessed me with a long life, and my long life has been blessed with spiritual wisdom and growth. In gratitude, I have utilized much of my time in service to Him. For a couple of years, I was a regular “adorer” at church when the Monstress was exposed on the altar. At my Catholic parish, I taught Catechism to 2nd grade students, preparing them for their first two sacraments, the sacrament of Reconciliation and the sacrament of Holy Communion. Presently, I teach 4-5th grade children CCD. As I grow even beyond the years that many will never see, through inner urging, I write spiritual articles and books about making a deeper, stronger relationship with Jesus one’s focus and priority.
God has given me through my determination to know Him better and to show Him my love, and other important graces. The grace to accept my mortality readily when He calls me is another gift from God. This I know to be true because there were in the past, many years when I was fearful of the unknown. I always loved Jesus very much, yet something stood in the way of my trust. He removed that block and I now feel so free!
I share this with all who are interested in working on nurturing a deeper faith, and knowing the kinds of graces and blessings God readily gives to all the creatures He created and loves. I can share this with you perhaps because I have been given a long, healthy life.