The First Great Commandment
Why Just November?
Submitted by Thomas Stidl
Why not January? Why not February? Why not March? Why not April? Why not May? Why not June? Why not July? Why not August? Why not September? Why not October? Why not December? I have always had these questions from my youth. Why do we wait for November to pray for the poor souls in purgatory?
Do any of us have deceased relations including grandparents, great grandparents, parents, uncles, aunts, cousins, nieces, nephews, children, brothers, sisters or friends? If we do and I am sure that all of us do, we the church militant should be praying for these folks all year long. It is always wonderful to think that all our relatives and friends have attained total and final union with God in Heaven immediately after death, but did you know that nothing unclean could enter paradise. Also, remember that all of our relatives and friends are just plain weak human beings prone to committing sins just as we are. Therefore, all souls in purgatory must have our continuous prayers to make them clean.
We have read in the Holy Scripture that all of us must care for those that are poor and in need. Are not the souls in purgatory in need of relief from their suffering? It is our Christian duty to relieve all suffering whether it is of body or soul. Possibly, some of us still have grudges against those who have gone before us and we do not want to pray for them. It is time to forgive. What if Jesus needed assistance? Would we turn away from him also? I highly doubt it. Would a decade of the rosary or few Hail Mary’s be a burden for us? I think not. Some of us may have the time to say a prayer dictated by Jesus to Saint Gertrude. I wrote about this prayer in my article, “Purgatory and the Pandemic”. It frees 1,000 souls from purgatory each time it is recited. Please check out that article. Think of all the saints you can now pray to on All Saints Day for assistance.
Now, that we are in the habit of praying for poor souls, why not pray for all those souls who have no one to pray for them. We must continue these prayers daily. Remember the gospel at last Sunday’s Mass on the feast of Christ the King. “Whatever you do for the least of my brothers and sisters, you do unto Me.” I assure you that once those souls reach paradise you will have an abundance of people looking after you. You will receive spiritual aid and love beyond all measure. Praying continuously may have one other effect. It may shorten or eliminate your time in purgatory.
Until next time, Laus Tibi, Christe. Deo Gratias. Gloria Tibi Domini. Praise be to God. See you in Paradise. Amen.