How Often
Persecuted We
Persecuted we
Yes and Jesus hears our plea
No harm done yes none
Handed over to be tried
Persecuted perhaps electrified
Why I’ve done nothing wrong
Please Jesus help me stay strong
Persecuted we
Yes and Jesus hears our plea
No harm done yes none
Don’t worry my child in My Arms
Don’t fret nary a hair a hurt no fouls no harms
Because you love Me I tell you true
The torture your pain I will see you through
Persecuted we
Yes and Jesus hears our plea
No harm done yes none
You are mine child forever
Out of love will I leave again never
In My Palace is where you’ll reside
Forever in the place called Heaven where I Preside
Persecuted we
Yes and Jesus hears our plea
No harm done yes none
JFFIII 11/29/23