The church is a congregation for prayer, not a building
Nothing on Earth is perfect, and this includes the Church. It is for this reason that we strive to live a life that will lead us to Heaven, where perfection is achieved. When confronted with something that upsets us about our faith, we have two options:
1. To leave the church in anger and feel a void regarding our journey in faith. 2. Decide that a change should be made and start to make the change.
For me, I have always followed option 2. I try to remind myself that anytime I come across a problem in life, instead of leaving, I should start leading. Perhaps in the one who can solve the problem or help inspire another to do so. Just because we get upset with a group or a person does not mean we should simply give up on them.
Instead, the problem allows us to improve ourselves in the hope of improving a less-than-desirable situation. The next time you get upset by something, remember that you can lead or leave. Do whichever one you think is the most beneficial, not just in the short but also in the long term.