New Testament Mentions St. Peter More Than St. Paul
The Song of Simeon
[see Luke 2:25-35 for the biblical background]
Long have I lived; my earthly end now drawing near
Waiting for the Messiah, to come deliver our land
To fulfill all our hopes and soothe ever-present fears
And rescue His chosen people by His mighty hand
We have suffered for many years, in the utmost travail
The conquering Romans our faith and freedoms deny
Yet Yahweh long ago promised that He would prevail
And bless His dear children who weep, groan, and sigh
The Spirit told me that before this world I should depart
I would see Messiah, God’s Son, with mine own eyes
Thus comforted, I watched and sought, glad of heart
For the Redeemer: He Who descends from glory on high
Led by His voice I entered the great temple holy
In search of the precious babe, whose child I am
To behold righteous Joseph and humble Mary lowly
Amidst all the sacrifices of pigeons and of lambs
In a mere instant I knew in Whose presence I crept
An infant basked in glowing sanctity, and awesome light
His face glimpsed but for a moment, I rejoiced and wept
Uplifted and surrounded by pure new contentment bright
Overtaken by emotion I grasped my Lord in my arms
Profusely thanking God for blessing me in that hour
Mary and Joseph were astonished but feared no harm
I passed His blessing along to them: joy and power
But alongside the peace came a troubling message sober
Revealing what the Son was destined to pass through
By Him all could be saved when the dreadful ordeal was over
But a terrible price would be paid; this Mary already knew
I saw a fleeting sadness in her holy, beautiful face
As I spoke of a sword passing through her own heart
But of despair in the blessed Virgin I saw not a trace
God had given her the abundant grace to fulfill her part
Then the divine child intently gazed for a long time at me
As if to say, “I have willingly come to save all mankind.
My mother understands and the Father’s entire plan sees.
She is the ‘handmaid of the Lord’, though many are blind.”
Joseph embraced me, smiled, and said “God’s will be done.”
Mary sensed my sorrow, and said, “His cup, not ours; let it be.”
I pondered Isaiah 53 and the child’s mission already begun.
And marveled at God’s mercy and love towards sinners like me.
Written on 15 December 2006
Mary's Carol
[for the biblical background (that I’ve taken great pains to closely follow),
see: Luke 1:26-56; 2:1-20,35]
I was just a young, poor girl from Nazareth in Galilee;
To Joseph betrothed; descended from King David’s line.
Obedient to Moses’ and Yahweh’s holy laws were we;
Seeking in all our ways and acts to follow the Will Divine.
The glorious angel Gabriel suddenly one day appeared;
Speaking solemnly in troubling and confusing ways.
With words causing great awe, confusion, even fear:
Why hail me as “O favored one” and “full of grace”? *
I was told that I was chosen to bear a special Son,
A great man: the righteous “Son of the Most High.”
Inheritor of David’s throne and higher than everyone;
Reigning over Jacob, with His Father’s kingdom nigh.
The Holy Spirit was to “overshadow” me like a cloud;
My precious child was all-holy; God’s only begotten.
“What did that mean?”, I wondered; yet not out loud;
Trembling, pondering a message not soon forgotten.
To Gabriel I said I was the lowly “handmaid of the Lord”;
Whatever God wanted, I was happy and willing to do.
I resolved to “let it be to me according to your word”;
I embraced the luminous vision of God’s holy gospel anew.
I visited my kinswoman Elizabeth, in Judaean hills far away;
The prophet John the Baptist did leap for joy in her womb.
He would prepare the way for Jesus on that wonderful Day:
The healer of the blind, Who raised the dead from the tomb.
Elizabeth, filled with the Holy Spirit, praised this lowly maid;
Calling me blessed among women, carrying a blessed child.
I was even the mother of her “Lord,” — is what she said;
I kept these things in my heart, astonished all the while.
Then my soul praised God: magnifying His name and deeds,
Rejoicing that He saved me by grace from a certain fate.
Marveling at how He had always filled His people’s needs,
From generation to generation: Abraham up to that date.
The night I bore my Lord Jesus is always clear in my mind;
No inn or house in sight; just a cold, dusty (but dry) cave.
Even the beasts “understood”, and were so gentle and kind;
The Lord of Lords was now with us, to seek and to save.
Angels sang of glad tidings; curious shepherds came to see —
After hearing loud heavenly choruses of great peace and joy —
The King of kings, David’s heir, and carpenter’s son of Galilee.
God had become man: the eternal Creator was a baby boy!
Then I quietly meditated on the divine mission my child had;
Though my soul be pierced; by His death we’d reach heaven.
But I accepted this: God’s love and mercy made me so glad;
For this divine plan my body and soul I have joyfully given.
Written on 10 December 2008
Coming Down from Heaven (Jesus’ Carol)
From all eternity, age to age; since the “beginning,” I AM;
With My Father I created the universe: all things that are.
We decreed to save mankind by sacrifice of “God’s Lamb”;
Foretold in Isaiah 53: Messiah scorned, slain, and scarred.
My mother gave I the grace to be immaculate, without sin;
Fit vessel for God incarnate: ark of the new covenant pure.
Gabriel hailed New Eve “full of grace”: redemption to begin;
Virgin with child by the Holy Spirit; man’s salvation now sure.
In fullness of time I came down from glorious heaven above;
Clothed with human flesh: a baby-king (!) of Israel from birth.
Lying in a cave; a manger, in the world I had made and loved,
I was worshiped by shepherds and wise men filled with mirth.
Though seeing through infant eyes: helpless, innocent, meek;
I knew all things, possessed God’s wisdom even in that hour.
As a baby, though King and Messiah, I cried and didn’t speak;
But I sustained the entire universe by the Word of My power.
Even animals at My birth sensed the wonder prophesied of old;
Mary and Joseph were filled with thankful happiness and joy.
The three kings gave Me gifts: frankincense, myrrh, and gold;
Shepherds adored, fell before God: now present as a baby boy.
Mary held Me close and rejoiced, under the star’s shiny beam;
I was dependent on her as a son, though I was God all the while.
I contemplated the reason I was born, and how I would redeem.
But now all was contentment and peace, so I rested and smiled.
Written on 12 December 2009
Shepherds’ Carol
[for the biblical background, see Luke 2:8-20]
It was like any other evening, in the fields, watching our sheep,
Making sure no predators or reckless thieves harmed our flocks.
Our task was to ensure their safety: health, well-being to keep,
Feeding and protecting them from pits, thorns, and jagged rocks.
All of a sudden, lo, an angel! and the glory of the Lord all round,
The darkness became as day, with radiant beams glowing bright.
Fearing for our lives, yet somehow still secure, safe, and sound,
We listened intently to the heavenly messenger on that holy night.
Telling us to not be afraid, then happily proclaiming the good news,
The angel spoke of great joy to come, for all people, from every land.
Referring to a marvelous savior, enabling all God’s people to choose,
Salvation in the city of David; who ever heard of anything so grand!
The angel foretold a sign: a baby all wrapped up, lying in a manger,
Messiah and Lord! God’s ways and means ever mysterious and new.
People coming from all around, to worship: friend, cousin, stranger,
Triumphant message spreading far and wide, and excitement grew.
Before we knew it, heavenly hosts appeared, praising the Lord on high,
Singing “glory to God” and “peace and good will to men” loud and clear.
We were dazed and stood there enthralled at the majestic celestial cry,
Pondering what we had just seen and what our ears did indeed hear.
Someone said, “let’s run and observe this wonder with our own eyes!”
Traveling over the hills, we found the holy family, just as we were told.
We shared with all present the words of the luminous choir in the skies,
Astounding everyone with angelic stories and fulfilled prophecies of old.
Mary, blessed mother of the savior, gave us a knowing and tender look,
She was deep in thought, contemplating how God could come to earth.
We left filled with joy, spreading words from angels and the sacred book,
Praising, glorifying God and sharing all we’d heard about the holy birth.
Written on 7 December 2010