Was Herod's Slaughter of the Innocents Out of Character?
St. Nicholas Speaks
My name is St. Nicholas; and from the 4th century I do hail;
I was Bishop of Myra, on the southwestern coast of Turkey.
I spent time in the Holy Land, and also in Diocletian’s jails;
Fought the Arian heretics at Nicaea, but my history is murky.
I was most known for helping the poor, under cover of night;
Dropping gifts down a chimney, landing in stockings drying.
I loved children and sailors: by grace aiding all whom I might;
Once multiplied wheat, to save many in a famine from dying.
My feast day is December 6th: the day I departed this earth;
My relics still exude sweet myrrh-like rose water every year.
Christians around the world celebrate the day with great mirth;
Lots of stories of my life, young and old alike do annually hear.
I was named Nikolaos the Wonderworker due to many prayers
Answered often through my intercession, with miracles as well.
The Dutch called me Sinterklaas, adding on legends by layers;
They say I leave coins in wooden shoes; maybe so: I won’t tell!
The tales and fables grew through the centuries, far and wide;
Mostly in the countries where German and English are spoken.
As Christkindl or Kris Kringle: to Jesus’ holy name I was tied;
Now I’m often called Santa Claus: in long tradition unbroken.
In America my legend, through Washington Irving and others,
Spread in folklore, “Twas the night before Christmas,” and such.
Thomas Nast drew me as a jolly old soul, of all men a brother;
Of reindeer, North Pole, red suits, and elves were heard much.
At length, the fables became so secular, commercial, and obscure
That their initially Christian contents became shallow and hidden.
It’s not Santa who sees all and rewards children good and pure;
But God the Father: the source of all graces and gifts we’re given.
It’s Jesus Who, dying for us, gave life such deep meaning and hope;
I am just His messenger, spreading His gospel of salvation and peace.
Without His sustaining power and love, surely none of us could cope;
This true joy of Christmas, till the end of the world will never cease.
Written on 8 December 2012: the feast of the Immaculate Conception
Joseph's Carol
My name is Joseph, descendant of King David and father of the savior of the world;
From Nazareth, a town in Galilee, from which, it was said, nothing good ever came!
I was betrothed to sweet, lovely Mary, serious and ever holy, even as a young girl;
Joyously awaiting marriage, we never imagined what an angel would soon proclaim.
Glorious Gabriel suddenly appeared to my beloved, and at first she was quite afraid;
Hailing Mary as “full of grace” and thus confirming her exceptionally favored state.
Speaking of a wondrous child, born of God the Holy Spirit, in her womb to be made;
“Second Eve” was overshadowed by God and Jesus took flesh: at conception great.
Not knowing this at first, I was greatly distressed to find my betrothed with child,
And resolved to divorce her quietly, so as to spare her any public scandal or shame.
But then an angel spoke to me in a dream, affirming Mary’s innocence all the while;
The Holy Spirit had indeed conceived “God with us”: He who would heal the lame.
Later that year, we journeyed to David’s Bethlehem: for a census to be signed by all;
Even though Mary, riding a donkey, was great with child: a mother very soon to be.
Seeking a warm inn as the time drew nigh, we found no lodging but an animal’s stall.
There newborn baby Jesus lay in a manger; adored by parents and shepherds, was He.
We escaped to Egypt to flee Herod’s wrath; the Messiah he had determined to shun;
Mary and I found Jesus, at twelve years old, teaching in the temple, warning of hell.
He was our pride and joy, and what a privilege: our many years with God the Son!
As Jesus grew, I taught Him the carpenter’s trade; from Him I learned much as well.
Happy and wonderful!: the blessed time we spent with our Lord who was yet our son;
Peace filled our hearts as Jesus told us of God’s gospel and kingdom message wise.
Though I would not live to see Him preaching, healing in Galilee: sinners to be won,
I’ll never forget my son’s birth, with glowing angels and the star lighting up the skies.
Written on December 5-6, 2013
Carol of the Angels
I am the archangel Gabriel, privileged to stand in the presence of the Lord. [1]
When Zechariah fathered John the Baptist; I explained to him John’s role. [2]
To holy Daniel of old I prophesied about 70 weeks and empires of the sword. [3]
The entire landscape of history from beginning to end; all is able to be foretold.
Appearing to Mary of Nazareth I proclaimed God with her always; day by day. [4]
Bearing Messiah: God the Son, was to be her unfathomable joy and singular task.
I hailed, confirming grace and favor upon her: the Mother to the Truth and Way,
Teaching her about the Holy Spirit’s overshadowing, when confused, she did ask.
I am the angel of the Lord, as bright as the sun, reflecting God’s glory and power.
Sent to announce to Bethlehem’s shepherds in the field, good tidings of great joy. [5]
From heaven to their town came the Savior, Christ the Lord: born in that very hour.
Filled with awe, they rushed to the manger in the cave, for to worship the holy boy.
I am the angel who was sent to roll back the stone enclosing our risen Lord’s tomb,
Appearing like lightning; robes white as snow, scaring the guards who could hear it.
Informing both Marys: “Don’t be afraid. Jesus lives! Tell others He shall appear soon!
“In Galilee, then Jerusalem; the new Christian age to begin, by the Holy Spirit.” [6]
Biblical sources:
[1] Luke 1:19
[2] Luke 1:12-17
[3] Daniel 8 and 9
[4] Luke 1:26-38
[5] Luke 2:8-12
[6] Matthew 28:2-7
Written in the wee hours of 7 December 2015
Joy!: A Christmas Poem for My Wife Judy
Many times I’ve reflected, gazing at a sparkling Scotch pine tree or by a cozy fire,
How blessed I’ve been with you by my side, during Advent and Christmastime.
Each year it’s so lovely to ponder baby Jesus or listen to carols sung by a choir,
With the one I adore; sharing our holiday experiences so treasured and sublime.
At first it was just the two of us; as young marrieds our focus was on each other;
Then when the 90s came, Christmas became more complete with three lively sons.
With the new millennium, God also sent us a daughter to join her three brothers,
And December “family time” each year was all the more filled with love and fun.
With three children “all growed up” now: one even starting out with his new wife,
It’s like the “old days” again: just you and I taking in Yuletide sights and sounds.
Treasuring the four wonderful children raised, we’re entering a new phase of life,
As grandparents soon; celebrating the birth of our Lord; grace and peace abound.
Time together alone grows all the more tender and sweet as the long years go by,
Especially at Thanksgiving, birthdays, and Christmas: hearts intertwined by love.
Adding up all the memories of holidays past, gazing at photos with wistful sighs,
We thank God for all our blessings, happiness, and faith: all granted from above.
We’ve survived life’s tragedies, frustrations: always coming through somehow,
Trying our best to keep the joy of this special time of the year front and center.
How I cherish all of our great “precious moments,” both in the past and now,
Looking forward to future Christmas seasons, as the “autumn years” we enter.
Written on 3 December 2016, in time for Judy’s birthday on the 9th!