I love the mornings. Around 4:00 AM, the world, or at least most of it, is still sleeping soundly and the quiet settles in in my kitchen where the only sound I hear is the sipping of my coffee and the tickng of the clock. It's still dark outside so I have only a couple more hours to enjoy this "Peace". Quiet is good. It gives me time to reflect and pray. I need to listen more closely to the voice of God. He speaks to us you know. When you need answers or comforting, He will answer. But we must be still and listen. Then when the quiet of the moment is silent enough, you can hear His holy words. Instructing us, comforting us, reprimanding us, loving us. He says, "be still and know that I am God". If we are always letting thoughts or sounds get the better of us, we forget that He is watching and listening and wanting to speak to us.
The TV is such a distraction! Unless you're watching something religious it's useless to our brains. 90% of the programs on TV are meaningless shows of wasted time and money. There are no good shows anymore the way there used to be. I'm not so old that I don't appreciate a great movie or documentary, but there just isn't any more with much sustenance. They all have to have curse words or sex scenes taking away the beauty of love making. Our children are so exposed to this trash everyday that it is no wonder they think it's all right to do whatever they want. Taking the sacredness and purity out the meaning of what life is really and truly about. Or what its supposed to be about, that is.
If more people, young and old, would fill their time with more quiet, there would be less sorrow and hatred in the world. Those shows can psych up a person to see what happens when you use bombs and guns to kill. It shows how two young people have sex when they don't even know how to pay a bill. It shows how disrespect for a race can be so heartless that people would take things into their own hands to destroy beliefs and love of neighbor to the point of cruelty.
Peace is what this weary world needs. Staying quiet enough to hear the sobbing of a person who is begging for someone to just talk to. Peace to hear the sweet baby birds waiting for their mamas to come and bring them something to eat. Peace to "hear" Peace.
Are we really all "rats in a race?" Why do they call it a "rat race" then? It's because everyone is in such a hurry, to busy trying to find the noise.
We need to slow down and be quiet. We need to "be still, and know that He is God".