Tyranny about to give birth to Anarchy
Preparing to pray when the urge has ceased
Prayer is the one criterion that we’ve been taught that gets God’s attention. There are contemplatives that can teach us by their tenacity many personal ways each uses to reach out to God. Perhaps no two people who speak with God use the same manner. When common prayer is done as a group the vocal presentation brings everyone together, adhering to what Jesus told his followers; “For where two or three are gathered in my name, I am there among them.” (mt 18: 20). There is a special aurora that is a collection of several souls reaching out to Christ as one entity. In heaven we will not be loners when praising the Lord for his presence. However, we find many saints who have chosen at least some isolation to be with the Lord, listening and savoring the word from God as a one on one couple.
The benefits of collective prayer is a barrage of prayer and God cannot ignore their pleading for themselves and others outside of their environment. Finding a private space to be alone with God is the one way to hear what God will speak to you alone. It would be rare to hear audible pronouncements, but very common to know He is speaking via telepathically. In isolation with God the understanding of what his command is for you. Some people who have this opportunity to share a divine encounter may not hear what God is speaking if they are vocalizing, even without a voice. Listening with your heart is ample enough.
Jesus often went into the mountain to be with his Father, then appear to his disciples after all night with his Father. (Lk 6: 12 - 13). The mystery of Jesus, the Son of God, never failed to converse first with his Father, more than once. Of all the examples we read from scripture that included Jesus’ teaching about his Father, this isolation stands as the most sacred point of his mission.
Fr Cedric Pisegna, speaking about his two Near Death experiences, said the voice of God spoke telepathically and he understood outstanding peace that he will never forget. It was so close to reality and he could have stayed longer. He was sent back to life and it did have a change in his own spirituality as a priest. The word of God is a staying entity that those who have this beatific vision at death will be in a world of unbelief.
I believe even those who are contemplatives don’t quite reach that level of peace and understanding with God, but most do come close to a glimpse of self-endearing with the Lord in a way they may not be able to describe. That essence is not for public discussion but an encounter with the living God that is personal and everlasting as well.
When someone is in that ecstatic encounter, that person is closer to God’s essence that most people can imagine. I feel close to God, but have never had that kind of encounter. As many people who pray would wait for that instance we can only revel in the encounters people like Fr, Cedric had and share it with all of us.
Ralph B. Hathaway