Seeds of Life
On A Rock
On a rock build it
There it will not drift
Lord Lord the ground’s so hard
Look it’s just rock water there’s no yard
Do not trust the softness of the sand
Shifty no strength against storms will it command
Lord Lord but I’ll shore it up I can
The digging’s easy soon will I entertain
Sunday come and visit Me
Maybe everyday for it is you I long to see
Lord Lord I’m going to be there don’t worry all is great
Up late and overslept that’s okay I’m only fifteen minutes late
Your actions your words have consequences
All governed by your choices your reasons
Lord Lord the wind my house all is gone
Everything has been blown down
Who are you I do not remember you I do not know
Away now important visitors have I here please now turn and go
Lord Lord this place where am I it’s so hot and horrible
Why does that sign say welcome to Lucifer’s
JFFIII 12/7/23