Restless and Anxious? What Truth Are We Hiding?
Chapter Two of the Christmas Story
*All the stockings were hung by the chimney with care.*
"Okay, Mom and Dad---we have more questions for you. How did God create everything and why!"
"We are glad you are asking--but first one of ours. Tell me my child? Tell us why, if there were no human scientists there at the time the 'Big Bang' happened--how can they prove this happened?"
"Wow, I never thought about that!"
"Say, if you did not did not watch a chocalate cookie being made---how do you know for sure, that cookie was made the way it was? Mom has to follow a recipe, dosn't she?"
"We never thought about that either!"
Grinning Dad replies: "Yeah, you are just really glad she makes them, and you are around to smell them and eat them.
To answer your question, just as those cookies are made becuase you are loved, all God did was because He loved us.
The way God did it and the 'recipe' He used; this gets even more interesting! First came the creation of all the universe with the Sun and Moon. The Sun was necessary to light every thing up. It would be hard to put legos together in the dark, huh?"
Smiling with a guilty look,a child replies. "Very hard, we tried thinking you were sleeping."
"After there was Light or the Son created, then the earth rose up from the seas. The waters and the earth were seperated, so the plants and all the trees, could then begin. This gave the animals and all the birds of the air, the creatures of the sea--all they needed to survive. All God had to do was use the power of the Holy Spirit, imagine what needed to be done, and by perfectly designing all and then, like you do with 'play dough:' God had fun shaping all into being.
But, dear children, if you believe the scientist theory---it does not make sense. For all the millions--yes, millions of species to come into existance, first came the design or concept, then the seed that was needed for all to become on earth.. Have you ever heard this expresssion? Which came first? Did the chicken to lay the egg, or the egg that hatches out a chicken?
Someone, a very smart, smarter than any scientist had to know the 'recipe' and just by saying or speaking His Word---there was Light and everything else came on this planet of earth by God's perfect design.
Oh, those Words, also tells us from the very beginning of life on earth: The Holy Spirit and Jesus was with the Father God. The three "Persons or the Holy Trinity are all a part of God. Just like you have a brain, a heart and a inner spirit that is the gift of all you are. You cannot 'exsist' with out one. For in the beginning "Wind" or the Holy Spirit was blowing across the abyss and the Word or Jesus was there. For we are told "the Word was made Flesh when Jesus came to this earth the first Christmas morning 2000 plus years ago And that dear children, was the beginning of Christmas: Jesus coming to this earth because of God's perfect love for us."