My Body My Blood
The Message
John the Baptist met them on the road
Before crossing the river with their load
Turn back was his command his request
Not physically but spiritually at his behest
From your evil ways and deeds
Let me cleanse you in this river please
To help prepare you for the Lord of land and sky
Whose sandals even I will not untie
I with water will attempt to cleanse you
He will do more for He commands the Spirit too
Prepare your hearts your minds
For His coming will change the times
Prepare be ready lamps lit and oil full
For our Lord Jesus and the prophecy He will fulfill
Do this at all costs you and I
We must be prepared or spiritually we will die
So important so please listen please heed
Listen for without this message you’ll miss all you need
Without this information
You will not gain entrance to Heaven
Do His Will love Him and all women and men
Then forever joyful will you be eternally without end
JFFIII 12/10/23