Woman, What Have I Told You?
Everywhere we are and go, especially every time we enter into a Catholic Church for Mass; God is truly present in our midst. Are we truly present: mind, heart and spirit and one with God? Are we truly aware of the fact or even believe in the fact that Jesus is there in the Tabernacle? Our first thought--"Oh God it is so wonderful to be here with You."
I know many times though, as I kneel and start to center on being there with God; my thoughts start to wander. "Where is your rosary, or what are the chores needing to be done today." Many thoughts, and yes my eyes wander too and I think either--"Oh, look, it is good to see this or that person here." Or, "I wonder where this or that person is and hope all is okay for they usually are here for daily Mass."
Or, as many may do--"Oh dear, look at what they are wearing or doing."
Remember beloved--Never CAN WE be PRESENT and aware of God, if negative or critical thoughs enter into our minds and heart. Never!" We have must remember God is seeing those thoughts.
"Oh, good Mass is beginning."
Thankfully, the Holy Spirit, the Father and Jesus are there at our sides and the Shephard's crook, pulls us back to what really needs to be centered on as Mass begins. Let us HEAR and say the words of prayers spoken. Let us be one in mind and heart with the Priest and the prayers. Be truly present ---yourself during Mass.
When the the Scriptures are read---LISTEN and HEAR--for God is speaking to you and you do not want to miss what God is saying or trying to connect with you today.
Offertory, let us bring ourselves, our loved ones and all our concerns--and place them mentally on the altar to be offered up. We are all the living bread that is to be broken and blest and given; representing Jesus to all here on earth. Remember we are to be His hands and feet; His love and the voice that speaks for God. This can only happen when we willing say, "Yes, be it done unto me as You Will."
Consecration and Communion---we at this time, should be so completely PRESENT, and centered on the Prayers spoken, especially the Lord's Prayer. When we are, we should be experiencing the 'actual Presence of God.' Call it ectasy, a wave of peace---but a strong sense of Holiness comes over us. If we are truly Present, having a still mind---WE WILL KNOW! "I AM here, truly PRESENT by your side."
*Psalm 139 tells us just how much God is aware of all of your life. Go and read and rejoice, for God speaks to you now!