A Battle Is Raging, On What Side Do We Align?
A Temple For Christ
Eileen Renders
As Catholics, we are taught to keep our bodies pure so that Christ can enter and remain with us. Presumably, as children, we may be truly uncertain regarding how we achieve such a goal. As we mature and become adults, many of us believe this is an achievement accomplished only by our Saints. Others of us may still be wondering about how we sinners can present ourselves to God as a temple.
God indeed loves us so much that He longs to be in us and we are in Him. This is only achievable through our consistent and sincere effort through prayer and the sacraments to even begin to become a temple for the Lord. Through our devotion, God will provide the grace to enable us to live without sin and spend time each day in His company.
Should we sin, we go to the sacrament of Reconciliation with sincere sorrow, and ask for God’s forgiveness, we will not only receive His mercy and forgiveness but also be replenished with the grace to turn the lights of the temple within us back on.
With the sense and feeling of this understanding of God and our renewed gift of grace, we are so filled with joy that we become stronger in our faith and more resistant to sin.
This light and grace from God shines for others and draws them in with interest about what it is that appears to be different about you. They are so attracted, that they want also to consider imitating your beliefs. Spreading God’s gifts and beliefs to all whom you meet is nothing less than evangelizing!
In John:14;15 God said; “If Ye love Me, keep My Commandments.” Jesus provides why and how we must become a Temple of God in many of the Verses of John.