Just Who Are You?
Chapter 4 The Christmas Story
*And the stocking were hung by the chimney with care.
"Mom and Dad, why does teacher say that the earth could not have been made in one day?"
"Good question! And since no man was there at the time when God set the boundaries of the waters and earth---we need to realize that a thousand years is like one day in God's timing. That is written in the Bible to confirm that too.
You know or have been taught, that a volcano creates an island in the see with liquid lava turning into hard rock. Or that the earth shaking can create canyons and as the pushing upwards, splits and forms these awesome canyon walls. That was how the different countries were shaped and the seas and rivers, lakes were formed."
But, my child, how can all the millions of species of plants and trees come from 'lightening striking clay, forming molecules, that then create a plant? This is what scientist believe happened. Again though, there were no humans at that point in time to know what really happened. Again, if this is truth, why when you plant any seed---that only the plant or tree that grew from that seed; grows again.
Just like when you were created from one tiny egg when Mom and Dad loved, they gave you life. From a woman and a man ---another human grows--not any other type of creature.
Like in the kitchen ---putting together the ingredients of a recipe--only the cake, the cookie or your favorite meal is produced. Nothing else. Milk from a cow, eggs from a chicken, and vegtables from all the plants in the garden. A farmer put seeds in the ground and those vegtables and herbs grew. All, my child, all grew. Because of the sun's light and warmth, the water from the sky and the earth created by Love for all of mankind and the creatures of this earth. Everything was created by this Supreme Beings perfect design for the salvation of all of the living creatures, plants and mankind on this earth. Every detail! We were blessed with so many gifts---they cannot even be counted. It is going to take an eternity just to see and touch all God has made.
Now let us go take a walk, so you can see for yourself and can point out all God has made for you. Remember too, every tree, leaf, flower ---everything is different and unique, awesome and wonderful---just as you are my child."
Let us go outside and play "I spy God."
"Oh let's do, I wanna see God and tell Him Wow, We loved what You did!"
"Yes children, let us always say thank you for when we do, God loves to that you noticed His work. To say 'Wow God' is the same as giving Him Praise. We are told to "Rejoice always, in all things give thanks and pray without ceasing." We are praying when we give thanks and rejoice. God loves to hear your voices!