Christians should live as Christians in a pagan world
Note: apologies for not going into more detail. I had a really loud five year old little girl screaming into my ear (my niece), hope y'all enjoy! I also take full responsibility for any typo or spelling errors.
I'm of mixed ethnic background. Name something, it's there (well, maybe). My mom actually has family with Israeli citizenship, and I find Jewish culture and history fascinating. One thing, I think we're blessed to have, as Catholics, is 1 & 2 Maccabees in our bibles (traditionally, Protestants ALSO had these books in their bibles, Is My Bible the Same as the Protestant Reformers?).
Now, sometimes you'll hear that "the Jews don't accept them as scripture". Okay, which Jews? The truth is, some do, some don't. Most American Jews don't. That doesn't mean they don't find them important (I remember Conservative commentator Ben Shapiro, who is Jewish, exhorting people to read the books of Maccabees, also, from what I hear, his wife is a doctor). Anyway, as I always have such a hard time getting through it, today, we're going to focus on 1 Maccabees. I'm not going to do a line by line Bible study, but, I want to talk about it.
Some background, Jews were under foreign rule, and were being compelled (and sometimes, forced) to adopt the customs of the gentiles (1 Maccabees 1:1-15), the temple was desecrated (1 Maccabees 1:20-28), it got so bad, that unclean animals were being sarificed (1 Maccbees 1:47), and that's just in the first chapter! Come to chapter 2, we meet Mattathias, and his sons. I am not going to name all of them, but, let's focus on Judas Maccabeus. Anyway, Matthias was not content with pagan worship. When he was asked to do it, you can read what he said about it in 1 Maccabees 2:19-23. Anyway, one of his fellow Jews offered a pagan sacrifice, and Mattithias killed him at the altar, in 1 Maccabees 2:24, he also killed the king's officer (who was imposing pagan worship), in v. 25.
A little later on, we see Judas succeed against the pagan army in Judas 3:16-26, and, in fact, I really like v. 26, "His fame reached the king, and the Gentiles talked of the battles of Judas". Okay, that sounds awesome, not gonna lie. Also, elephants in the Bible! (1 Maccabees 3:34)!
And, also, the name "Judas" being used for someone positive, I think, is awesome. He was one heck of a military leader. Gems like this are from Judas, "It is better for us to die in battle than to see the misfortunes of our nation and of our sanctuary. But as his will in heaven may be so, so he will do." (1 Maccabees 3:59-60). And I'll let you read chapter 4 on your own, we'll be here all day if I write an entire explanation of each verse. Anyway, chapter 5 has to do with more battles! (remember, these people are fighting a war). Chapter 6, yep, more battles! (Really, I do want you to read these on your own). Although, one thing I actually do find interesting is when Judas was just trying to get to a location, and even offered to be peaceful, and he was prevented from passing (1 Maccabees 5:45-47). Anyway, what happened next is interesting, hey, dude was trying to be peaceful. He may be exhausted. "And Judas sent them this friendly message, "Let us pass through your land to get to our land. No one will do you harm; we will simply pass by on foot", but they refused to open to him. If you're curious what happens next, well, more war. Check out, especially 1 Maccabees 5:49-51 (by the way, they do get to cross the Jordan in v. 52).
Now, Antiochus Epiphanes, the guy who started this whole mess (I think this is the first time I've actually mentioned him). Anyway, he dies in 1 Macacabees 6:16.
However, the war still raged on. Also, more elephants! (1 Maccabees 6:30,34-35,37, amongst many other places).
Anyway, Syria offers a peace agreement, but, yeah, no. The Jews actually accepted the peace offering (v.61), the king, however, was not okay with the fact the Jews could defend themselves, and broke the oath (v.62-63). I'll let you read chapter 7 on your own. Partially because I couldn't do justice with it in a summary.
What's really interesting, is chapter 8. Because, 1) more elephants! (1 Maccabees 8:6), and, of all things, the Maccabees want to form an alliance with the Romans.
"So Judas chose Eupolemus the son of John, son of Accos, and Jason, the son of Eleazar, and sent them to Rome to establish friendship and alliance, and free themselves from the yoke; for they saw that the kingdom of the Greeks was completely enslaving Israel. They went to Rome, a very long journey; and they entered the senature chamber and spoke as follows: , "Judas, who is also called Maccabeus, and his brothers and the people of the Jews have sent us to you to you to establish alliance and peace with you, that we may be enrolled as your allies and friends". (1 Maccabees 8:17-21). Anyway, so, read the rest. Suffice it to say, that may be, oh, so in about a hundred and some odd years later the might regret. We move on to chapter 9, and Judas fought valiantly, but died and was buried (1 Maccabees 9:11-21). So, since someone has to suceed him, Jonathan (his brother), was chosen to do so (1 Maccabees 9:28-31). There was also an attack on the sabbath, so, there was a question answered during this revolt. What kind of work can be done on the sabbath? Well, self-defense, for one. (1 Maccabees 9:43-49). So, is there peace to come out of all of this war? Yes! At least for a little while. (1 Maccabees 9:70-73)
Jonathan even becomes high priest! (1 Maccabees 10:18-20), Demetrius even makes peace with the Jews ( 1 Maccabees 10:21-45 I don't think I've mentioned him. See? You need to be reading along!)
Jonathan and co. didn't believe Demetrius (1 Maccabees 10:46), they did, however, trust Alexander (because he first offered peace, v.47), and Alexander and Demtrius fought each other until Demetrius fell (v.48-5). Ptelomy and Alexander made a treaty (v.51-66), Jonathan also defeats Appolonius (in Jonathan's defense, Appolonius was kinda trash talking him), anyway, v.67-89).
Chapter 11:1-19 is kings doing exactly what kings do. Interestingly enough, Jonathan actually got the king to free Judea and the three districts of Samaria (v.28-37). Because this would be way too long if I kept writing about chapter 11, make sure to read it on your own. Remember about the alliance with Rome, well, they renew that one, and one with Sparta, too! First, they renewed their alliance with Rome (1 Maccabees 12:1,3-4), and requested alliances with Sparta and other places (v.3,5-18-23)
Anyway, moving on, Trypho captures Jonathan (if you'd been reading a long in your bible, you'd know who Trypho is). Anyway, read 1 Maccabees 12:39-53). Jonathan was killed. So, now, they have to choose another in command. Simon is kind of self-appointed (1 Maccabees 13:6), but, this is something the people, by and large, agree with (v.7-9).
Did I mention Trypho? Because yeah, he's kind of important. Anyway, Trypho send some people to extort Simon for money (v.15-16). Also, it bears mentioning that Jonathan's tomb is described in v.25-30. I always love little details like that when reading. And, finally, Judea is independent. See v.31-42, Simon captures Gazara, he regains control of the citadel (v.43-53), and since Chapter 14 is mostly is the capture of Demetrius and Simon's eulogy. I will say, that Judea seems to be much better after Demtrius was captured. Chapter 15 is a letter of Antiochus VII, Rome's support of the Jewish people, Antiochus VII threatening Simon, and more battle. Do you know what happens to Simon and his family? And one of the main reasons I like 2 Maccabees better. There's a downer ending. in 1 Maccabees 16:16, Simon and his sons are killed. Sorry to spoil it for you. The end isn't all bad, but, I'll let you read it on your own.
And that took a lot longer to write than it did to read. PLEASE, read it on your own. It's an important part of, not only the traditional Christian Bible, but Jewish history.
Bible used* Revised Standard Version Bible, Ignatius Edition, Copyright 2006, Division of Christian Education of the National Council of Churches of Christ in the United States of America.