Called Are We
The Yoke
So many rules and regulations
Why can’t I just enjoy life’s sensations
Rules for the road and rules for the car
Rules for your toaster a pig a cigar
Rules for how to breathe sleep live
Rules for how to spend how to save how to give
How to drive how to eat how to stand
How to study to learn and how to understand
Why why why
Oh I ask You my Lord up in Your Great Sky
My Yoke is easy and My burden light
Two easy commands to bring you delight
Love Me My children
With your whole heart soul and being
Love all and everyone you meet
Love them as you do yourself kind and neat
Follow these in which all rules are now combined
For I gather all in to these two favorites of Mine
Heed them they are your salvation your hope or your ultimate dismay
All depends on how well you listen and just how well you obey
JFFIII 12/13/23