Holy Week
I just love to ask people the same question and see what their response is... Lots of times, the answers are similar, but there are times when I can really discern Who had heart and thought about their answer. It's interesting to see how many really have the "heart of compassion".
When you have heart in your compassion, it is the combination of both that is needed to fulfill each other. If there is no heart in your compassion, it becomes just a non thinking, unfeeling task that you are hurriedly getting over with. But if you have compassion mixed with heart, it becomes a sweet labor of love. Joyful and fulfilling. Many times I can attest that I have done jobs with little heart in it and the result is tiresome and monotonous. But doing it with heart, it triumphs into the fulfillment of love and the outcome is noticeable. I can always taste the deliciousness and satisfying quality of food I make to the blandness of doing it without zest and desire. When I do it with love, it tastes like love. When I don't add that ingredient of love it tastes like something is missing.
The heart of compassion lets you feel the other person's loneliness or sorrow, their joy and their peace......I want to do the latter. I want to have so much heart that I'm overwhelmed With love in the task. I don't want to do something just to do it. I want there to be a purpose, and the purpose must always be love.
May everything I do be offered with "the Heart of Compassion" So that in serving others, I may truly be serving God.