Gearing up for Lent
“Heroism at work is to be found in finishing each task.” St. Josemaria Escriba
Recently, we were discussing a topic in class about heroes. I teach English to international students and there was some vocabulary that we needed to discuss. It occurred during some of the comments in class that society and the Church have very different views about what heroes are. Society might look at heroic virtues as something that brings glory and praise. It would be great to have such adulation but it is not likely going to be much of a ticket to heaven. What struck me was a quote from Joseph Campbell in the text that we were reading which stated, “The cave you fear to enter holds the treasure you seek.” There's a lot of wisdom in this thought from Joseph Campbell. Though I am not a real fan of the source of this quote, it did give me food for thought.
“So, I can call myself none other than that which I am, a Christian.” St. Perpetua
Strong words from someone who was ready to die. Those who are willing to die for Christ and accept whatever He might send us, good or difficult, is the real heroism in our lives. Some years ago, I visited the place dedicated to St. Odile of Alsace. In the valley of the Musbach, a small river that runs near Freiburg in Breisgau, pilgrims have venerated St. Odile for centuries. In about 1300 a chapel was built; the present church was started in 1503 and finished in the 18th century. She was blind yet she lived a heroic life. Her struggles with her father, the miracle of raising her brother back to life were just a part of a great story. Recently was the feast of St. John of the Cross. He was another one who suffered darkness in his soul. We look at saints in their glory but we do not comprehend that they suffered greatly. We need to continue to look at each as someone who can continue to help us. The Church recognizes this always.
“Do not be afraid to be saints. Follow Jesus Christ who is the source of freedom and light. Be open to the Lord so that He may lighten your ways.” St. John Paul II.
We might have all suffered from disappointment in our lives. We might struggle often and much. This certainly does not change His love for us. Never. We can feel unappreciated or look for praise and hope that we will be recognized. Social media might play a part in this, but it does not change the fact that we must remain in God’s love always. It is easy to fall prey to this temptation, but Christ does conquer everything. I look in awe at those who can withstand such struggle. I try to read about the saints daily.
"Let Your daily tasks become heroic." St. Zelie and St. Louis Martin
“He loves, he hopes, he waits. Our Lord prefers to wait himself for the sinner for years rather than keep us waiting an instant.” St. Maria Goretti