The Face of an Angel
I Am Not He
The Baptist came not to announce salvation
Nor to account for all this creation
No he came to lay out a red carpet
To clear the way for He so important
Asked was he by the Pharisee
Are you Elijah or The Messiah are you He
No he said I have only come to tell you to prepare
Everyone yes every man woman and child here and everywhere
To prepare your hearts your soul your mind
For He Who has come to save all mankind
So no please do not ask me again
For I am not and do not know the way to Heaven
My name is John and I baptize with water
But He Who has come will baptize with the Fire
He is the One the Lord the Messiah
He is the one you must adore and admire
He is Jesus the Promised One
Your Savior God’s Only Begotten Son
So prepare yourselves and ready His way
Prepare for His coming by praying every day
JFFIII 12/17/23