“The Reminder”
By April McQueen
“You are my masterpiece…my very own creation.” I read this in the scripture. It served as a reminder. Although crucible moments refine and strengthen, valley moments lead to divine experiences and an appreciation of life’s journey, drawing one closer to God.
God speaks to me on my journey to reassure and encourage: “You are where I want you to be, doing what I want you to do. I am caring and providing for you. Choose your emotion and explore that as a little prayer. It is a release but also a beginning, new like the day. Embrace the moments of heaven on earth. One day your path will lead you home to heaven and your broken heart will be made strong. When you pass from this life to the next, your soul is radiant in the atmosphere. Your soul is light. Then you will be closer to me, even closer than I’ve always been. Listen: realize you have access to me and all things of me as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, guiding you through your sincere and persistent prayers. I understand you—I made you---I love you…more than you can ever know.”