Can a Saint sin?
When does life begin?
A few years back, Obama was asked when life began in the womb. His answer was that he didn’t know. He said the question was over his pay grade.
A lot of folks thought that was a pretty witty answer. Humble, even. Personally, I thought it was pretty dumb. Let me explain.
This question was asked in the context of abortion.
So, that he was excusing taking the life of an unborn child because he claimed he didn’t know whether that child had a soul or not. So, even in his way of thinking, there’s a fifty/fifty chance that the child has a soul and the abortion is really a murder.
Let’s put this in a different context.
Let’s say that you have a high powered rifle and your out hunting. You see a movement in the bushes. What do you do:
1. Shoot anything that moves? or,
2. Make sure it’s not a human being, before you shoot?
Apparently, Obama would shoot first and ask questions later. Don’t go hunting with Obama. You might be the one that gets shot.
Partial birth abortion
But that was my line of thinking, a few years back. Recently, I was thinking about partial birth abortion. Obama is a supporter of that procedure.
What pay grade do you need to have, in order to know, that the child which is partially born, is a fully formed human being?
He doesn’t really care
It is obvious, now, that Obama was being neither witty nor humble. He was just being flippant. He doesn’t care if babies in the womb, are alive or not. They aren't his. So, he doesn't care whether they live or die.
Yeah, sue me.
It took me a long time to arrive at that conclusion. I mean, you see him with his obviously loving family. His beautiful wife and daughters. And you can’t imagine, at least I couldn’t, that this guy is willing to let babies die, simply because he finds them inconvenient.
Lord, have mercy upon all of us.
He is the leader of our country, but we don’t agree with him.