Death and Dying
Cana, A Feast of Love
Gathered together, bride, groom and guests,
Of whom one was both God and man;
Coming as man to leave a gift
Perfect as he, God himself.
They have no wine to drink,
Nothing but water in jugs,
To celebrate the joining together of man and woman;
If, but known, a humiliating sorrow.
The mother of the Bridegroom of Life
Whispers words of Eucharistic desire-
For wine so heavenly flowing
Into the hearts of all earthly guests.
“Do whatever he tells you,” she commands.
His words have power beyond human comprehension-
To change water into wine, to change wine into his blood.
Jesus the Lord today will reveal his glory!
Let every day be a wedding feast
Between Bridegroom and bride, between God and man;
To be filled with overflowing love, joy and hope
Of The True Living Water.