"Do You Want To Be Well?"
At the most unexpected times and in the most ordinary ways---God can speak to us if we have spiritual ears to hear. I was talking on the cell phone to a troubled friend, who had called seeking help as they were struggling with their faith. While listening to him speak of his darkness, my dog had wanted to go outside and I went with her to watch her. She found a dead bird on the ground and started to roll in it as dogs love to do. I immediately snapped sternly at her, “Don’t roll in dead stuff!” Realizing the friend on the other end may have thought that I was speaking sternly to him, I explained what was happening on my end of the call. I apologized for the interruption and continued to listen.
It was later when I was praying for this person and reflecting on the call that I realized that God was speaking to us both through this incident of the dog wanting to roll on that dead bird.
It is when we go back to the past, and bring up painful memories or stew over past conversations or fights with others---it is then, we stir up the stinky aroma of decaying stuff.
As we were told somewhere in John I think---“let the dead bury the dead.” There is a connection in this I am sure. Dwelling on the past does us no good. Bad experiences should be gleaned for the wisdom found there, but then like the wheat gathered, shook down, ground and milled, and finally baked---let it become the bread, the stories shared, to be given to others when the need arises. It is our past touched by God’s wisdom and understanding that becomes the lessons to be shared to all who are in need of ‘understanding the whys of pain and struggling in life.’ Mistakes and bad experiences should never go to waste in God’s plan for all. They are meant to be blessed, changed and the gifts given to others. All is a part of the masterpiece, the vessel created by God that we are.
So, if you find yourself down and out, depressed and despairing, in darkness without a light----remember the lesson sent through a pet dog and a dead bird. DON’T ROLL IN THE DEAD STUFF!!!
May the peace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all---Elizabeth
Ps. After writing this, had to let the dog out again, and hollered at her as she took off after a live bird—“Don’t be chasing birds!” Immediately, I saw another message—something like---don’t be chasing after impossible dreams, those which take flight too quickly to achieve. I have done that a few times. Take a closer look at your pets around you, and see if God has something for you today to learn through them. Nature has endless amounts of lessons for us when we see and hear with our spiritual eyes and ears and recieve words of WISDOM given by the Holy Spirit.