How much time is allowed to me?
In the reality of eternity there is always an Understanding God!!
He who never began will never end. It is the mystery that supersedes all mysteries since without this understanding in the finite mind we would never have become who and what we are. Through faith we have come to believe in God. Faith is a supernatural gift from God . In order to believe, man needs the help of the Holy Spirit. (CCC 179)
“Believing is a human act, conscious and free, corresponding to the dignity of the human person. (CCC 180).
“Even when he reveals himself, God remains a mystery beyond words. If you understood him, it would not be God”. (St. Augustine). (CCC 230).
“The God of our faith has revealed himself as He who is; and he has made himself known as “abounding in steadfast love and faithfulness. God’s very being is Truth and Love.” (CCC 231).
Portraying the mysteries of God becomes synonymous with placing all the pieces of a puzzle together and realizing there are many missing links to complete this task. Without the crucial pieces we never can have a finished picture. If we did have all the missing pieces with God there would not be a need for us to seek him. Therefore, it is better that these hidden secrets regarding the Holy Trinity, God’s eternal identity, and many more remain beyond the human mind.
However, in an age of people doubting so much of our traditions we need to take a look at just what are the implications that present this scourge entering the truth about God. Take for instance the phrase from Genesis where God says; “Let us make man in our image, after our likeness.” (Gn 1: 26). Since no one actually knows exactly when this occurred we assume men writing from the passing down of understanding God’s intention to the next generation can become distorted in the translation. If it wasn’t for faith in God all would have been lost. But, as we know there are those who will search for a way to discredit what is written in scripture and even now with the invention of AI (artificial intelligence) there could be in the shadows of truth confusion with what God intended. Some will change what we believe and live by who knows what.
Again, after so many who are looking to discredit Catholicism and 2,000 years of Tradition, we find ourselves defending against a pattern of heresy, schisms, and Satanic worshipers with one reality; destroy God's believers by discrediting what faith is all about.
This is not the first time in Church history where factions of faith insurrectionists have come out of the woodwork, denouncing God, the Catholic Church, and the priesthood from the Pope to the common believers in the pews. It will not be the last as we see the enemies of Christian beliefs, especially in the Roman Catholic Church, surrounding us as Indians did to the people moving west. The difference, we are already where God is sending us through evangelization and the Real Presence of Christ in his Church, within the tabernacles in our local Churches.
We must hold fast to what we were taught beginning with the Baltimore Catechism to the Catechism of the Catholic Church, the Magisterium and the Apostolic Succession which is Catholic alone. On all of these principles lie the Truth that as Catholic we shall survive. We must not drift off the course that teaches us that God is real, alive, and has us in his hands, forever.
Recently Pope Francis approved of blessings being allowed to same-sex couples. He in no way referred to same-sex marriages. The one catalyst of this is the misunderstanding of homosexual relationships. We are in an era where many denominations and Christians see this as a hell-bound circumstance where according to many are condemning these people. We are never to condemn people of any selection in life to Hell. God doesn’t and neither should we.
The very words from CCC 231: God is Truth and Love! In this description God’s Truth and Love are significant to who and what our God is all about! He hates sin, but never the sinner. Neither should we hate the sinner since each one of us is the sinner Christ died for.
Ralph B. Hathaway