Euthanasia will kill us all
The main obstacle for Eucharistic Adoration has been ... some Priests !
Is there an unmet need for a Eucharistic Association?
Here's the draft (providentially, just in time for Christmas adoration).
If anybody is interested in forming it in their diocese, please write to
• Eucharistic Hearts of the Holy Family
• Saint John Paul II April 2
• Saint Faustina Oct 5
• Blessed Ana Catherine Emmerich Feb 9
• Saint Tarcisius Aug 13
• Blessed Carlo Acutis Oct 12
• Blessed Imelda Lambertini May 13
• 7 Archangels
Love, is not adored!
To strive to become living hosts, other Christs, other Marys, and “serve as a leaven of contemplation for the whole Church and a summons to individuals and communities to place Christ at the centre of their lives.” 1
It would join the World Federation of the Eucharistic Works of the Church (Pontifical Council for the Laity)
For example, about:
The Mass
The Real Presence, even in the particles, of Jesus (especially the Holy Face and Sacred Heart) and of Mary, even 10 minutes after communion
The plenary indulgence for half an hour of praying in front of the Blessed Sacrament (exposed or no)
Eucharistic miracles
Spiritual communion and adoration (invoking the guardian angel)
The universal rule of communion on the tongue (on the hand is an concession), preferably kneeling
The increased graces for:
Blessing with the Blessed Sacrament
Chains of prayer
Due to disobedience to rules of the Holy See:
1. Communicants must take communion entirely in front of the Priest: crumbs in the hand means no full communion
2. Provide the means so that Eucharistic Jesus does not fall:
2.1 The fingers that touch the Eucharist must be washed: the Priest does it, but not the faithful
2.2 Communion linens, vases and trays must be purified (washed and poured on un-treaded ground): hands which work as trays are not!
2.3 Communion on the hand under both species is forbidden because of the risk of not licking the tiny drops of Blood of Jesus, on the hand and fingers.
3. Provide the means to avoid desecration: stepping on the Eucharist, even unintentionally, is a desecration.
Don't tread on Me, says ... JESUS !
Eucharistic miracle proves we are ALL stepping on Jesus!
Some, do not allow Holy Hours (Jesus exposed in the Monstrance), despite there being worshipers committed to the shifts, without any justification or with incredible excuses:
It is a “fashion”
It is the same as adoring Jesus inside the Tabernacle
It is a holiday
It is election day
It is Holy Thursday: no adoration after midnight due to Holy Friday
Pilgrims come
On “that” day of the week, many people come who do not know of the Real Presence
It is dangerous at night
Jesus does not need nocturnal adoration, least a Christmas, Theotokos, Easter or Pentecost vigil
Least within the novena to the Patron Saint
There are other activities
We close the adoration for cleaning (4 hours per day), we cannot clean while Jesus is exposed, or we have to fix things, you cannot adore in another room next to it
You cannot adore half an hour before or half after Mass
There will be no worship during the 3 months of school holidays
No adoration at nap time (not even from the window)
The Monstrance must be polished or fixed or used in a retreat (easier to shut down Adoration than borrowing or buying another)
It’s a pandemic: no adoration despite the Pope's request to leave churches open so that people could pray at least individually. No adoration whatsoever, not even from the window or in cars that are an epidemiological bubble, or in an open field (by Feb 2020 it was proven no spread in open air! Please read the following link:
Please add other unbelievable excuses in the comments at bottom.
That they do not react against and actually endorse these decisions from Parish Priests, whether by action or omission, and they do not defend the right of Jesus to be adored, nor of the faithful to adore Him in the Eucharist.
There are no rules that protect the faithful and bind Priests or Bishops.
Whether because of the Priests, because it is not business hours, PLANdemia, persecution, 15-minute cities, etc.
There are many impediments, for example, when the civil authority prohibits, prevents or places obstacles to public adoration or processions.
It seems that there is no other that seeks the following objectives:
Ignite Charity by bringing the blessing of Eucharistic Jesus by being adored and taken in Holy communion everywhere: homes, offices, factories, shopping centers, streets, routes, squares, prisons, homes for children, the elderly and the disabled, leveraging the Priestly Emergency Service … to the moon!
Especially, first communions and adorations for the sick/disabled, the blind, children, young people, couples, adults, the elderly, etc.
By placing a curtain that can be lowered when there’s no one left
By adoring through a barred window, even from the sidewalk (it is important for times of persecution or when churches close).
By parking in an open field/parking lot wih vew to a tower with the Monstrance, etc.
As Cardinal Van Thu?n taught in prison, and teaching how to take proper care of them with hand ablutions and communion tray ablutions, etc.
• spiritual reading (printable or digital libraries)
• devotionals
• posters of Eucharistic miracles
• website with videos, talks, video conferences, live cam worship, etc.
Also, allowing parents to worship from a park or car while children play, or from the top of a hill or building.
For Adoration: monstrances, teaks, communion trays, linens, corporals, flowers, candles, etc.
• 40 hours
• 33 days 2
• 3 hours of Divine Mercy Chaplets kneeling with arms in cross, even if it is in hourly turns
• Vigils, requested by the Virgin in Porzus (at least, those of Christmas, Easter and Pentecost)
• Eucharistic processions such as Corpus Christi (n.b. on Thursday)
• Conferences
• Retreats
• Pilgrimages
E.g. for spiritual communion and adoration by desire, especially for the handicapped and children
Whoever, unless “grave incomodo” (serious inconvenience), commits to:
Sunday Mass and communion on the tongue (even during an epidemic), kneeling if possible.
Frequent confession (maximum monthly)
Practicing Catholic in good standing (not being in an objective situation of mortal sin)
Consecration to the Eucharistic Hearts of the Holy Family
Wearing the imposed Carmelite scapular
One Holy Hour per week (children, 15 minutes or half an hour depending on age, at least in desire)
Praying daily for the Association’s intentions
Those who also commit to:
1. Pray the daily Rosary (Carmelite membership)
2. Swear to give your life by the Grace of God to defend Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament (with prior written authorization of the confessor of the past year).
3. Earn a daily plenary indulgence for the blessed souls in Purgatory, applicable to those who are able complete the usual conditions (daily communion, biweekly confession, praying for the Pope).
The spiritual director of the Association (a Priest) must also commit to comply with these requirements.
The authorities are chosen unanimously or, failing that, at random, from among the Guard.
The extraordinary ministers of communion will be named among this guard.
1. The Holy Father
2. Religious vocations
3. The fidelity of each person to his or her vocation, given by God before the Creation
4. The Church and State
5. The propagation of love in adoration and Eucharistic works
6. The consecration to the Eucharistic Hearts of the Holy Family
7. The innocent without sacraments
8. The blessed souls of purgatory
9. The triumph of the culture of life
10. The conversion of the enemies
1 Pope Benedict XVI, Sacramentum Caritatis, 67