Fighting Communism
Now the serpent was more crafty than any of the wild animals the Lord God had made. He said to the woman, “Did God really say…. Genesis 3:1
Now the serpent was more crafty than any of the wild animals the Lord God had made. He said to the woman (the church);
Serpent: Did God really say you can’t bless same sex attracted persons?
Woman (the Church): God said that we can’t bless sinful unions. God desires recognition of sin and repentance. Individual people have always been able to be blessed, the Mass closes daily with blessing. Spontaneous blessings are almost always granted to individuals who ask.
Serpent: Surely they have legitimate relationships, God must not be merciful. He must not really love. Everyone makes mistakes. Don’t you think they need their own blessing together for the relationship?
Woman (the Church): what you say sounds true, we will consume this message and write a document on how God wants to bless all good in these unions. It will not speak of repentance of sin in the confessional nor will it point our the disordered nature of these unions because that would be seen as unmerciful.
Serpent: Let the little children come to me and watch your blessings. I can’t wait to make them part of my kingdom. My legion will make them to understand that marriage isn’t necessary.
Remain Faithful
To all the Priests out there speak God’s authority into this lightning storm, this is an opportunity to break unholy soul ties and bring deliverance. This is the only appropriate blessing, one of deliverance from sin and breaking unholy soul ties. Expect miracles because God brings his glory in the middle of raging storms.