How often have we kept a to do list? With 2024 just around the corner, it is time to make our Catholic to do list.
1. Attend Mass (regular basis and go on a different day of the week before work)
Start off the day by attending Mass. Go during lunch or coming off the graveyard shift. The Mass is vital for the growth of our souls. Whether it’s Sunday and or another day of the week, we can’t live without it.
2. Make a Holy Hour weekly
Like the Mass, Catholics can’t live without the Eucharist. Jesus is the living bread for others. We must make a commitment to be strengthened.
3. Support small Catholic businesses
Many Catholic stores and artisans can use our support. Keep them in mind when purchasing a gift for a family member, friend, or even someone who is going to become a Catholic by Easter.
4. Attend the March for Life
The annual March for Life is still happening despite the overturn of Roe v Wade. Now, we march in a post-Roe society to build a culture of life. The fight to make abortion unthinkable continues. This year the March for Life on Friday January 19th in DC. There is also a Walk for Life in San Francisco the day after for those near the western seaboard.
5. Pray in front of an abortion facility
Pro-life? Tired of seeing the number of unborn babies being murder from the sideline. Step onto the gridiron and into the breach. Catholics need to put their pro-life conviction into action by praying outside of abortion facilities. Even the clergy need to step it up.
6. Go on retreat
The best way to spiritually recharge is to go on retreat. Thankfully, there is a retreat center available in every diocese or closest one. Whether it's a day or overnight, retreats help everyone to take a step back from society and recharge.
7. Pray the rosary
The best way to pray as Catholics is to pray the rosary. It can be done all at once or a decade at a time. Carry a rosary wherever you go. Even St. John Paul the Great was a big advocate for praying the rosary while on the go. It is not just for beofre or after Mass or adoration.
8. Consecrate yourself to St. Joseph
St. Joseph is the most revered patron of the universal church. Now, Catholics can consecrate themselves to him. Father Calloway has a chart that lays out feast days pertaining to his consecration
9. Fasting and Abstaining from meat on Fridays
This may sound like something for Lent, right? Well, it was a common practice for many Catholics prior to 1962. This is a great way to fast from meat. It is not only beneficial physically but also spiritually.
10. Pray the 3 o’clock prayer of St. Faustina
Remember to pray the prayer Jesus gave to St. Faustina.
11. Divine Mercy Chaplet on Fridays or daily at 3PM
To back up the previous point, the Chaplet of Divine Mercy should be prayed every day for lukewarm souls and all who attack the church. Consider also praying its novena from Good Friday until its namesake feast the Sunday after Easter.
12. Do works of mercy
Give alms, be more selfless, and remember the marginalized. It is the best way to summarize the seven works of mercy.
13. Take part in Catholic Speed Dating (for singles only)
Catholic singles are tired of the secular ways to find a spouse. Even Tinder isnot offering some productive ways. Thankfully a woman with a journalist background has done just that. When the pandemic hit in 2020, it has went beyond borders. She has found success in helping Catholics find their spouse. Learn more here.
14. Support faithful Catholics running for public office
2024 is an election year. This country needs fearless Catholics who can bring the fear of God to this nation. It begins by supporting faithful Catholics looking to change the status quo in state or national legislation.
15. Get to know the saints in a year
The saints of the church can be a good asset in helping with our understanding of the faith. Some have written about the faith. Others were witnesses to the faith that they died defending it.
16. Bible in a Year
Father Mike Schmitz has been a known name to many when he has done weekly videos for Ascension. He became an even bigger name when he was a part of a podcast that is a No. 1 download. It has been a gamechanger for many. It can make a difference to many who want to learn more about the No.1 best seller of all time.
17. Catechism in a Year
Last year, Fr. Mike launched a ppodcast that breaks down the Catechism in a Year. It will help Catholics learn more about the sacrevtrachings of the church.
18. Clinge to the sacraments of the church
Go to confession, Receive the eucharist more. The sacraments will help streghten us and grow spirutally. We may not be full like Jesus, but we are called to imitate him. The sacraments can be a good way to help bring his kingdom come through our holy examples.
19. Make a pilgrimage
Visit a nearby shrine. Go on a pilgraimge to visit a Marian shrine. These steps help us grow and even see the sites of our faith was planted.
20. Pray more novenas
Need a novena reminder? There is a site for that. Even one can sign up for those reminders here.
21. Share more Catholic content on your social media
Pope Francis has encouraged us to annoy people with the gospel. With the rise of social media, the time to share the gospel on a digital platform is now.
22. Change up the music you listen to.
Tired of the secular musice? Thankfully we have Catholic artists that can change that. It is time to get behind them and help share aritsts who are using their talent of music to give glory to God.
23. Keep a spiritual journal
Keeping a jouranl has become obsolete with everything going digital and the advent of social media. Yet, many of the saints have written about their struggles of the faith time after time. All can do this. Just be sure to set time in the morning, evening, and everywhere in between.
24. Forgive others/Make amends
There has been people who has done things to destroy you. It is time to seek their forgiveness while offering yours in return.
Bonus Suggestions
Donate unused clothes, books, music, etc to charity.
Use your creative skills to evangelize with Catholic content that gets to the heart of your message.
Pray for the church and the holy father (It can be added to the rosary at the end)
Pray for holy vocations to family life and religious life.