Miss no Opportunity to Sacrifice
"When the soul is troubled, lonely and darkened, then it turns easily to the outer comfort and to the empty enjoyments of the world." ~ St. Francis of Assisi
I received a great message from a great friend for Christmas. I was reminded of how many people care about me at this time of the year. Society has reduced Christmas to presents, lights and self-reflection but it is anything but that. We celebrate our Saviour’s birth. It is not the time of sadness, but it is the time of joy after four weeks of anticipation. I drive around the neighbourhood with the inflatable Santas on front lawns. They are cute but certainly not very helpful in reflecting the event of the Nativity. At mass, I see the intense stares on faces and wonder who this Christmas might be alone. There are likely many. Fear not, says our Lord. He is with us and just as Mary said yes to the Angel Gabriel, we can say the same to Christ this Christmas.
“And every day, when your heart especially feels the loneliness of life, Pray….” St. Padre Pio
How often do we forget to pray? Likely quite often but we cannot lose heart at this time of the year or any time of the year. Each moment, each day, each event is a sign of God’s love for us. He loves his children, and he tends his flock. The morning of Christmas eve this year was the fourth Sunday of Advent and mass attendance was much lower. There is always time for Christ.
“Loneliness and the feeling of being unwanted is the most terrible poverty.” St. Mother Teresa
The Octave after Christmas is full of feast days. St. Stephen is celebrated the day after Christmas. In Canada and other Commonwealth countries, we have Boxing Day but really, we need to remember St. Stephen who is recognized as one of the first martyrs. His story is a great example for all of us. He was stoned to death, yet he did not lose faith. St. John is also celebrated this week. I was curious to read about the traditional stories of John. He went to Patmos, his ship was wrecked in a storm but he was saved. He cast out demons and he purified water for ships in need of drinking water. Some great people. An interesting feast is the one of the Holy Innocents. Under Herod, they suffered and died once Christ was born. It is important to remember all these little ones. This year, I am reminded of how important it is to stay close to Christ. I invited some individuals who were alone this year. It felt good to have them share our table.
“Let nothing disturb you. Let nothing frighten you. All things are passing away; God Never changes. Patience obtains all things. Whoever has God lacks nothing; God alone suffices.” St. Teresa of Avila.