I do not know about you, but I am seeing the "signs" everywhere. Signs that we are living in the days of Revelation. And, many of my Clarksville residents agree!
Oh and that is not a 'doomsayer' speaking this! No, for to speak doom and gloom would to say---"Oh, we will a a clean world by the year 2050! Meanwhile, let us live with our political world of lies and deceit, greed and hate! Let us watch as Mother Nature gets back at us for all the harm done to her creatures and the trees and plants over the past 300 years plus, since the iron age came into existence. Now that is gloom and doom to me!!!
No, I am rejoicing in believing that, "Soon and very soon, our Lord will return!!!"
Did you know that total eclipse of the sun is going to happen in April 2024? Did you know that solar sunflares are happening almost daily, and if really big one---digital communication is knocked out. Perhaps this is the Warning given by the Blessed Mother at Garabandal of 'something happening in the sky, the whole word will see and there will a time of silence where all will be given a special grace to give their hearts to God. Revelation speaks of a time of silence in the heavens and the earth too.
Rev. 7- v12
* Then I watched while he broke open the sixth seal, and there was a great earthquake; the sun turned as black as dark sackcloth* and the whole moon became like blood.
Please read all of that chapter and see if events are happening now like the two new wars in the world. Revelation for it tells us of many events, some of which have already started: all will be occurring before that great and glorious day of the Lord!! For your sake, I encourage you to read carefully all of Revelation and ask the Holy Spirit to open your mind so your eyes may see. Ask that He open your ears, so you hear what God wants you to know deep in your heart! Be a wise 'bridesmaid' and have your oil lamps full of gladness!
I have noticed something, verses 11 and 12 of the all Revelation chapters seem to tie together a message of the days before Jesus comes back.
As far as that beast and the number on the right hand if you want to buy and sell: Let me ask you this, what is already in the right hands of most, captivating their attention like an idol? Also a credit card--a chip, a number and used to buy and sell, just as that cell phone gives you the ability to do. Rev. 13 v15
It was then permitted to breathe life into the beast’s image, so that the beast’s image could speak and [could] have anyone who did not worship it put to death.i
It forced all the people, small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to be given a stamped image on their right hands or their foreheads,j
so that no one could buy or sell except one who had the stamped image of the beast’s name or the number that stood for its name.
It was in 2021, that I was impressed with these words from His Inner Voice. Connect Psalm 22, 23 and 24 with the years 22,23,and 24. In 2022 we abandoned God and demanded our laws be done. We also had a great uproar about abortion rights. Psalm 22, v10 For you drew me forth from the womb, made me safe at my mother’s breasts.11 Upon you I was thrust from the womb; since my mother bore me you are my God. Are you beginning to see the connections?
2023---If the Lord is not our shepherd, we will want and we will walk through the valled of the shadow of death and fear. Many of us have lived in that valley all year long! Also, I will prepare a meal for you; Thanksgiving meal, in the sight of your enemies. Isreal and Hamas war started in October.
Now,I am wondering if "I will annoint your head with oil" connects with the angels coming from heaven to mark God's people before this year ends.
Now, go read Psalm 24 and know what I know! I may not know the day or the hour---but deeply believe---in 2024 verses of Psalm 24--7 Lift up your heads, O gates;* be lifted, you ancient portals, that the king of glory may enter. Who is this king of glory? The LORD, strong and mighty, the LORD, mighty in war. 9
Lift up your heads, O gates; rise up, you ancient portals, that the king of glory may enter. 10 Who is this king of glory?
The LORD of hosts, he is the king of glory!!!
Yes Come, Lord Jesus come! We Need You to come again into our hearts NOW and into this world and restore all that we may live in Your Kingdom forever!