The Reality of God's kingdom is within each of us
As the day of reckoning arrives where will we be?
A question that each of us will be asking when our souls are no longer under our control. The one reality that will confront us is we had all those incidents that should have been avoided but their attraction blinded our sense of the difference between right and wrong. Sure, we had time to change the path we felt ourselves walking on but, there is another day coming with plenty of time left.
Procrastination is a common term for each of us since it hides the reality of the importance of doing whatever we should grab hold of now. None of us is so adaptive to completing a task immediately that we need a string tied to our finger as a reminder to do it now.
However, when it comes to getting in touch with our spiritual sense of God the sluggishness sets in and this becomes one of those; “I’ll do it later.” Yesterday reminds any one of us that we should have! Today the thoughts of doing an important activity are tugging away, but! Tomorrow just hasn’t arrived so why load up my things to do what isn’t here!
We live in a time-frame of money first, with acclimation of our name second, both followed by pride that has a way of placing God and faith somewhere in oblivion. These are the sins of placing ourselves out of reach from the grace God wants us to have, and pride can put any one of us in a vacuum of light that promises what is not even plausible. As explained by many experts on sinful reactions to self-enhanced ideals, pride is the mother of all sin and will definitely place ourselves ahead of God and all the praise that belongs to him alone.
From eternity and the legions of angels that surround God, one through free will decided that he alone could be like his creator, or even more as God. This is pride and Lucifer who was the top angel lost his place because of placing himself ahead of God and has been pulling human beings along with himself to hell for all eternity.
For those who found Satan’s way of life more important than what God created us for will find the day of reckoning to be a reality and maybe regret their fall from grace. Some of those may not have a fear of losing God because their prime thought is not to love God any more, if indeed they ever did.
However, as I have written more than once about the scream I heard one early morning, at 3 AM, while praying to the Sacred Heart as a night adorer, I was told it came from the depths of hell. This scream to this day still resonates in my brain as the worst painful existence anywhere. I believe the pain will be the loss of God while that soul is in a void of darkness never to be with its creator for all eternity.
Ralph B. Hathaway