Gossip, A Hurtful Disease to Love
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Everything begins again. It is a chance to begin whole again. It is an opportunity to improve in areas where we are lacking. It is also an opportunity to grow in holiness.
The first month of the year will see an end to the Christmas season, and we will soon put away our Christmas decorations with sadness, yet Christmas will come again. It is dedicated to the Holy Name of Jesus.
Here is a break down for the feast days in January and Sundays.
January 1: Octave Day of Christmas, Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God—Solemnity
January 2: Saints Basil the Great and Gregory Nazianzen, Bishops and Doctors—Memorial
January 3: The Most Holy Name of Jesus—Optional Memorial First Wednesday dedicated to the heart of St. Joseph
January 4: Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton, Religious—USA Memorial
January 5: Saint John Neumann, Bishop—USA Memorial
January 6: Saint André Bessette, Religious—USA Optional Memorial
January 7: Saint Raymond of Penyafort, Priest—Optional Memorial
Epiphany of the Lord—Solemnity
(celebrated January 6 or on the first Sunday after January 1 in countries where this feast is not a Holy Day of Obligation)
January 7, 2024 in USA
January 8: All Saints for Today
Baptism of the Lord—Feast
Sunday after Epiphany (or, if Epiphany is celebrated on January 7 or 8, the following Monday)
January 8, 2024 in USA
January 9: All Saints for Today
January 10: All Saints for Today
January 11: All Saints for Today
January 12: All Saints for Today
January 13: Saint Hilary of Poitiers, Bishop and Doctor—Optional Memorial
January 14: All Saints for Today 2nd Sunday of Ordinary Time
January 15: All Saints for Today
January 16: All Saints for Today
January 17: Saint Anthony of Egypt, Abbot—Memorial
January 18: All Saints for Today
January 19: All Saints for Today
January 20: Saint Fabian, Pope and Martyr—Optional Memorial
January 20: Saint Sebastian, Martyr—Optional Memorial
January 21: Saint Agnes, Virgin and Martyr—Memorial 3rd Sunday of Ordinary Time Get to Mass
January 22: Day of Prayer for the Legal Protection of Unborn Children—USA Memorial
(Moved to January 23 when January 22 is a Sunday)
January 22: Saint Vincent, Deacon and Martyr—Optional Memorial
(Celebrated January 23 in the USA)
January 23: Saint Marianne Cope, Virgin—USA Optional Memorial
January 24: Saint Francis de Sales, Bishop and Doctor—Memorial
January 25: The Conversion of Saint Paul, Apostle—Feast
January 26: Saints Timothy and Titus, Bishops—Memorial
January 27: Saint Angela Merici, Virgin—Optional Memorial
January 28: Saint Thomas Aquinas, Priest and Doctor—Memorial; 4th Sunday of Ordinary Time
January 29: All Saints for Today
January 30: All Saints for Today
January 31: Saint John Bosco, Priest—Memorial
Happy New Year. Be assured of my prayers for you and your loved ones.