Seeking God in the Midst of Suffering
Losing our Stature with God
When an inopportune moment occurs and our prayer life is interrupted for a period of time, we should recognize the disturbance will sever the stature we have with God and realize there may be a falling out of sync for us.
It is easy to slip a little, especially with the”Dark Night of the Soul” which is not uncommon among many of the saints who experienced this. It can become serious if combined with anything tragic enough to turn everything into mush and a struggle to come to terms with the crisis. Falling away from prayer can also be like that without a plausible explanation. Thus “Dark Night of the Soul” affects more people than reasonable explanations may correct.
To correct the moments that seem to erode our senses through no direct fault of ourselves, the way back to a certain sanity and renewed relationship with whomever we’ve broken away from is a grace that can only be found with God.
Once the darkness that affects our soul we find ourselves under pressure to find our way back. We must now, more than ever, remember when we first encountered God’s grace. Reach deeply into the depth of our soul and find the Holy Spirit is already working within the essence of our faith. Here, we shall find the deep meaning of grace and the power of God guiding us back.
It can be a trial for most who have experienced this “Dark Night of the Soul” and usually many are not privy to what it means Perhaps now it is a faith deeper than understood before how the waiting period finds each of us searching our minds for an answer, without any meaningful conclusion.
Here is where a total trust in God, and the guidance of His Holy Spirit will become the path to growing beyond human capacities to divine intervention of the finiteness we have inherited. Of all the mysteries regarding God this one can cloud our thinking as man and open the door to a holy encounter of God’s corner of possibilities. The probability that we will find the way out of this darkness is a plus in our struggle to find the light that eludes us for only a moment in the eternal existence of reality.
That stature with God that we thought was unattainable becomes an enduring probability that will comfort our emptying time of light to the light that overcomes the darkness. “What came to be through him was life, and this life was the light of the human race: the light that shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.” (Jn 1: 3b - 5).
Ralph B. Hathaway