How to handle fear
Welcome 2024 and may you be better than last year and may all our readers be blessed.
Traditionally this is the time to make new resolutions for the year ahead. Ideally, these should be targeted, achievable, and measurable.
Targeted - because they address a particular cause or issue you wish to address.
Achievable - because there's no point in having a resolution you cannot keep. Like, by the end of the year I'll be an astronaut. Forget it ... it won't happen!
Measurable - because you can tell how you're progressing and to ensure you don't give up.
For this year, my New Year's resolution is to carry a potato or two in my pockets at all time.
Targeted - Because potatoes have eyes but they cannot see. Those little white buds from a potato are the beginning of new growth. They are called eyes where I'm from. But they don't look at you and judge you and reprimand you when you do wrong. They are a reminder that we too should not judge others. We may be able to see but it does not mean we should comment on everything we see and don't approve of.
Achievable - Easy, potatoes are cheap and fit well in one's trouser pockets.
Measurable - The potatoes are either there or not!
Another advantage in potatoes is that they are so versatile. You can boil them, mash them, fry them as in French fries, make them into chips, bake them, you can make Dauphinoise potatoes and so many other recipes too. Which you cannot do with an armadillo. And also you can't carry an armadillo in your pocket as easily as a potato.
Alternative Resolution:
How about being kind to someone every week. It could be anyone; spouse, children, family, friends or even strangers you don't know. Ideally, be kind without them knowing. By the end of the year you would have helped 52 people without them knowing it.
Targeted and Achievable if you put your mind to it. Measurable if you keep a secret diary of your weekly kindnesses. By Christmas you'll be able to read them back and discover that you are a good person who made God proud of you.