Is Trump’s Projected Cabinet of Millennials Sending A Message?
Well, we welcomed 2024. We put 2023 in rear view. Now, many of us are anxious after much anticipation about what the new year can bring about. Think of the meme that has been circulating with a group of people carefully opening the door labeled 2024. Trust me, everyone with Facebook and other social media accounts knows what I am referring to. (If you know, you know, right?). To make it more relatable, I am one of those people. Every time we transition from one year to another, it is common to look back at what happened and be nervous at times because we don’t know how it will turn out.
I could not help but look back the other day on the reading chosen for Holy Family which fell on New Year’s Eve. In the Letter to the Hebrews, the writer reminds us that Abraham placed his faith in God despite the uncertainty that was to come. Yet, Abraham placed his faith in God. Through his trust in him, he became a father of nations. He would have his only son, Isaac. Additionally, his descendants would be as infinite as the stars in the sky.
I think for us we need to have his faith. It is duplicable. We may have looked at 2023 and thought that the new year will be like the last. However, we can set ourselves apart by asking God to be with us. It begins by having faith and trusting in him.
I’ve struggled with it from time to time. As I understood it more, I knew that I must do one big thing every year… continue trusting in God. With him, he makes everything possible.
With 2024 in full swing, let us take the time to ask God to be with us. Let’s trust in him.
Jesus, I trust in you
Jesus, I trust in you
Jesus, I trust in you
Happy New Year. God will never abandon you. Place your trust and faith in him who will guide, protect, and love you.