Quiet! Be Still!
Hate: A disease that has grown Globally!
Growing up we often heard semantics of hatred towards one or more nationalities, especially during the 1940’s and WWII. Hate the Furor, Naziism, and no doubt the Germans whose nationality held distaste towards Jews. Or, after Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941, all Japanese were held responsible for what their leaders accomplished drawing the US into WWII. Move ahead to September 11, 2001 and the direct attack of our financial and government institutions by members of the Muslim regime. It just continues to find reasons for hatred of yet another nation on this planet.
But there is more to hatred than finding a world power that all of us can collectively destroy in our mind-set. There happens to be the personal attack many people use to ostracize family members or the neighbor next door. We all live in a vacuum where too many cannot find a way out of the circle that keeps hatred as a companion, a bosom buddy. Excuses become the prime reason we find after feeling hurt for inconsequential events. Jesus told his disciples, more than once: “Why do you notice the splinter in your brother’s eye, but do not perceive the wooden beam in your own eye?” (Mt 7: 3).
This then accomplishes the term hypocrisy that we adopt when for so little an unacceptable event in our eyes of someone close to us infuriates our attitude towards them. The term making a mountain out of a mole-hill becomes a reality with too many people who normally would overlook a small distraction towards a family member.
On the national scene we now are in the midst of thousands of citizens picking up on the tirade of hatred towards Israel and the Jewish people. Their cry of Palestinians first over Jews has become a global pronouncement of hatred that will bring all God-fearing children of God down to the depths of hell on earth. Yes, there are historical incidents in the Old Testament where groups of different pagan worshipers were destroyed for the placement of the Hebrew nation to advance bringing the freed nation out of Egypt. But, this is not a carbon copy of hatred, just a clearing away of pagan directives.
How long will this type of evil, hatred at any cost, become the status quo of people who have become pawns to the few that are Satan;s soldiers, instilling hatred so strong in the minds of all who have lost their sense of goodness towards even their enemies?
Let's make a list of what it takes to accept or denounce those we deem as enemies to our individual welfare. On the pro side place each account of what we perceive as good performed by them. On the other hand, writing about each incident gives enough reason to denounce them. Compare the two and see which one is the prominent reason to accept or refuse our adversaries.
Now, for a moment, stand in the place of God and see the possible list he has before him with each of our names on a similar page of accepting or denying our own status. Can you name even one throughout human history, past, present, and future who have enough check marks to be a welcome invitation to enter paradise? This answer is the very significance we must have for even that family member or the neighbor next door who has touched our hearts with a sour grapes attitude.
If our acceptance or refusal of even one soul that we may or not see in eternity is the passage of our soul into a place of acceptance by Christ at our judgment, or a passage away from an eternity with Christ, and a trip into hell, by our own choice.
Ralph B. Hathaway