Lord, Fill Me With Joy
Much of what I’ve posted at Catholic 365 so far has been inspired by St. Pope John XXIII and as I come to the end of my walk with him, I ask myself where this road has taken me. I've thought of peace, simplicity, joy, faith, trust, and being bold. And now at last, I arrive at the end of this road and walk towards putting my life completely into His hands, an act that requires my absolute faith and trust in He who knows me better than I know myself.
Putting our lives in His hands has such layers of meaning. Do we serve Him by servings others? Do we serve Him by studying His message to us? Or, do we serve Him by sharing that message with others? Perhaps we serve Him by leaving the world to dedicate ourselves to a life of prayer. Or, do we serve Him by responding to the ultimate request - giving up our physical life for the sake of another or for our own soul? Or, both?
John XXIII, you were ready to sacrifice yourself for the sake of others. Do I have that courage? Do I live what I preach? Do I witness with boldness? Have I absolute faith that the words will be there or does fear hobble me?
I struggle with the desire to do what is absolutely correct and perfect, forgetting that I am an imperfect creature. If ones so great as St. Pope John XXIII or Blessed Mother Theresa can consider themselves small, then who am I to judge the value of my efforts?
We are all His children, each called to act in the capacity that God deems right for us. Listening, we will hear what He asks and great or small, we do as we are called to do. Like the parable of the laborers in the vineyard, some are called for long and deep, intense work; others are called to short bursts of work. I am one of the short term laborers but I am called often. It is up to me to always listen for His call. Bowing my head, my whole self, before Him, I will accept whatever He asks of me.
Dear God,
Help me in my effort to dedicate my life to you. Make joy, freedom, and love my guiding inner lights. I pray always for those who feel alone and believe there is no one to pray with them or for them. Make the Church bold in its proclamation to serve others; to not be a quiet worker, but bold and humble, an example to the world.
In Christ's name,