In Our Experience, We Need to Trust
“Don’t despair over your shortcomings. Start over each day. You make spiritual progress by beginning again and again.” St. Francis de Sales
We celebrate the Feast of the Epiphany. In Canada, it is not so celebrated as it is in other countries. Coming from an Italian family, we would look at this feast day as ‘Little Christmas.’ Italian folklore has some traditions around this day. Some parishes in Canada do not read the proclamation at the Epiphany with the announcement of Easter and connected dates. We might reconsider doing so. It is a great tradition to be reminded that Christ’s life is throughout the year and needs to be remembered. We cannot reduce a new year to resolutions and other nonsense. These are not Christian. We need to begin each day with the same ‘yes’ Mary said at the Annunciation. Her yes is our yes, each day, each moment and each instant.
“At the start of this new year, rededicate yourselves to His service with the fervor that you had at the beginning when you first knew what He desired of you.” St. Louise de Marillac
She might not be the most well-known saint, but her words ring true for me. I had read a book about St. John Neumann. His bishop was sick in Bohemia, and he could not be ordained a priest, so he sailed for the USA. He took vows with the Redemptorists and he chose arduous work in the most remote places in upstate New York. His work continued as Bishop of Philadelphia and worked diligently to build parishes and churches. He began again and again. He lived his life non-stop. “A man must always be ready, for death comes when and where God wills it.” St. John Neumann
“Whenever you begin any good work, you should first of all make a most pressing appeal to Christ our Lord to bring it to perfection.” St. Benedict.
The beauty of being able to begin again is so important. Christ gives us so many chances. He waits for us. He offers us so many opportunities but are we looking for the same star the Magi sought? I work with international students regularly. They have such ambitions and dreams and work hard towards them. There are challenges of course but they cannot be obstacles or prevent them from success. It is we who measure success but what we think is our measure. Our limitations do not stop Christ from encouraging his children. He loves us and we are never alone. Let us not look at the calendar but let us look at Christ. This is the same gaze that He had on the first Apostles who met Him. “We have found the Messiah,” was their cry. Their hearts were burning. Our hearts can burn also.
“When you have nothing left but God, you have more than enough to start over again.” St. Teresa of Calcutta.