Stop living by lies
I enjoy writing. So much so, that I am writing this so you can read it. But I also like to help people. This is why I am unabashedly Pro-Ukraine (it's almost like people defending Putin have never actually heard his pro-socialist, pro-soviet, pro-abortion, pro-genocide speeches, and yes, Ukraine does have the prospect of winning, keep in mind, Russia has not only broken multiple treaties with Ukraine, but is active in persecuting Ukrainian language and culture, being Pro-Putin is being pro-genocide), this is why I write so much about the Bible (because I think it's a tragedy that Catholics and other Christians don't know it). I am not beyond writing about my personal life. I've written about my father's death. I've written about a chlorine gas spill that killed nine people that I survived. I don't keep my life hidden. Or, at least not these aspects. Which is a bit ironic, given that I am quite shy.
There are times though, when I know I feel far from God. Right now, as of me typing this. This does not mean I don't believe in God. Of course I do. This doesn't mean I always feel close to him. But, I trust in him. If you're familiar with the Divine Mercy Image, you've probably seen the phrase, "Jesus, I trust in you". I do trust in Jesus. I just don't always feel like I do. A lot of times, I just feel he's far from me. The dak night of the soul is not atheism or agnosticism. There are just times I don't feel like I know God as well as I should.
But I know Jesus, in his own words, tells me his yoke is sweet and his burden is light.
"Come to me, all you that labour, and are burdened, and I will refresh you.
Take up my yoke upon you, and learn of me, because I am meek and humble of heart: and you shall find rest to your souls.
For my yoke is sweet and my burden light". (Matthew 11:28-30, Douay Rheims version).
When you feel far from God, remember those words. And remember, not only those words but these words: Jesus, I trust in you.
Sometimes, we have to remind ourselves, that God is there, that Jesus died for our sins, and he knows what we're suffering.
Jesus, I trust in you.
Remember, God is here for you.