Oh, Our Ego Self
Dear Someone, somewhere--out there in all of the universe:
So, you are tired and weary. Weak and ache with every step you take. Sadness overwhelms you at times as you watch the world become a place you no longer feel hope in. You see no future that promises a bright tomorrow. Like Jesus on the cross, you say--"oh my God why have you forsaken me?"
Exactly, like Jesus on the cross all that you feel, Jesus has felt. He still feels for as God, He sees all, knows all and feels all too. He is saying--"My children, my people--what have you done? Why have you forsaken Me? I hear your hearts crying out to Me."
Crying out you say---"Come back oh Lord!! How long, how long do we wait?"
"And, I cry out to you---Come Back to Me!! With all your hearts, do not let anything, any sin, any one, any hurt--keep us apart. Long have I waited for the time when we shall be together again!
Your love for me, your love for anyone is only a shadow, a glimpse, a tiny mustard seed, compared to My Immense Love that longs to embrace you, dear Child. I long to tell you, just how special you are to Me. My Delight, My Child that I knew before you came to exist in your mother's womb. Oh the lenght that I went to; to make sure that you were concieved and given life! Sending you to this earth, as a Gift of God's Love. A gift of love to all those who will be touched by your very being! For as you live in love, you are an extension of My Love.
Come to Me, all who thirst for the Water that will bring your dry desert world back to full Bloom of Beauty and Life again. Only in my Presence will you find the rest, the peace, the joy from an exciting world you long to live in again. Forever!!
Your Friend, your Brother--Jesus
Your Lord and God who loves you with a perfect love--everlasting