Dear Mary
The King
They said they wanted a king
Samuel argued that’s really not the right thing
But persistence of the will is strong
And so the Father of All allowed this thing
It wasn’t long before the trial failed
Israel split the people by outsiders assailed
Centuries came and went the rulers now all gone
Then one morn in a stable Jesus was born He Who is truly the One
Born to them The King they longed and hoped for
Known He was as Healer Teacher Friend and more
He showed the Pharisees and rulers of the day
Miracles of healing and sin removed and He taught them how to pray
But blind were most and that’s why He’d arrived
To rid the world of death and give hope for which He’d be sacrificed
Our savior born in a manger of hay
The king of Kings He Who is the Light The Truth and The Way
Offering and teaching to all that to live happily forever
One must follow Him on the path paved with hard work kindness sacrifice and prayer
JFFIII 1/12/24