The Paris Olympics, Consecration of France, and King Saint Louis IX
I was asked to fill in for my mom at the Adoration Chapel last week. I went through the typical motions of not wanting to go, but finding no excuse, I went. As I've learned through the "Surrender Novena," and my Consecration to Saint Joseph, it's just best to do what my mother asks (tells) me to do.
Typically, I experience an angst that there is so much to pray for and so many ways to pray. How am I going to get it all done in an hour? Then, out of nowhere I get this calm, peaceful feeling to just sit back and relax. This is normal, but I usually resist and feel the need to start praying the Divine Mercy Chaplet or my Rosary, or some other prayer. If, however, I do sit back and reflect, I find it to be the most serene moment I have had.
I just happened to have my book, "Lord, Prepare My Hands for Battle," by Jesse Romero, M.A. I opened it up and went right to the page on "The Results of Eucharistic Adoration." As I started to read, I realized that yes, it was as if I had finally begun to listen to God talking to me and me doing all the talking through prayer. Often, I would look up to see what the time was. This time, however, I looked at the Sacred Host. It gave me the most warming feelings that I had ever experienced.
Finally, as my Holy Hour was coming to an end, I finally was able to relate and feel what Saint Padre Pio said of Eucharistic Adoration: "A thousand years of enjoying human glory is not worth even an hour spent sweetly communing with Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament."
May the Holy Names of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph be Blessed, Now and Forever. We Love You, Save Souls!