The Crisis Among Young Women
Today we hear the story of Samuel who listens to the voice of God, saying “Here I am, Lord” and “Speak Lord, for your servant is listening.” Samuel is a wise little man that can teach us something. These two lines speak to how God desires us to discern His call on our lives.
It’s the new year and you may feel called to a new path or direction in your life. There are two paths of decision making and discernment when it comes to the path God calls us to:
There’s another lesson to be had today. Yes, we are to listen for God’s voice and place ourselves in His hands, but frequently God’s voice comes back and asks us: What are you looking for? What is it you’re seeking? Just like it does in today’s Gospel. The desires that lay on our hearts are often the direction of His will and His voice inside of us. After all, He made us and put those desires deep inside of us. They signal His call on our life.
Every time I’m at a crossroads, those questions come up again and again. Sometimes there are new answers, but mostly, by now I desire to be a whole and fulfilled person at the root of my being, and I’ve realized there’s not a single answer to what makes me whole and fulfilled, but rather many dimensions held in balance: a sense of purpose, strong relationships, opportunities to be of service, rest and leisure, right relationship with God, gifts and talents being used in their full entirety, and healing areas that are not quite there yet. There was a time where the answer to these questions was a specific career, a passion pursuit, or a family. But now, it's all of the above. I'm looking for a whole, fulfilled life rooted in God's will because I realize that this is the only life that will satisfy. God did not make me one-dimensional, but a complex, creative creature created for purpose, love, friendship, and abundant life.
So what are the takeaways today? Listen for the voice of God, place yourself in His hands and service, and be ready to answer the question he asks you back, “What are you looking for?” as you discern your next step.