Everyday, somewhere, from the mouths of some very frustrated, angry, pissed off folks--you will be on the receiving end of some very rough language.
"Leave me to hell alone, or go to hell!!"
"G-d damn it, this piece of sh-t is useless."
"F-ck you, this is so f-cked up, or just F-CK!!"
What is sad, is the folks whose mouths are spewing out these 'expressions,' do not realized how they are really 'f-cking up their lives!! What you speak or your negative attitude, becomes real into your life. If we live with an angry person, we truly wish we can get them to change the words they speak so they can be blessed instead. We cannot change them though, only pray for them, for they really do not know what they are doing!! They are too f-cked up!! These folks are angry, and dealing with past traumas, abuse etc and are in need of understanding and forgiveness from us. Most importantly, they themselves, need to see why they are so angry with life!! For some the anger is from what is obvious. Sickness, death and dying, daily pain --we all have crosses--we resent or wonder--"Why me!!"
So "words" you hate to hear or feel guilty that they are spoken too often--theses words can become a very bad habit and make you hate yourself or your life even more!!
But even if we don't CUSS, we need to hope we never take the Lord's name in vain!!
We take His name in vain: just by flipingly saying--"Jesus" as part of our frustration over something. Another examples, good God, or OMG---very commonly used by all! Also, when we pray without our heart and soul when we pray, we are taking His name in vain! We are giving God lip service. We must mean it when we pray for someone, about something or when in adoration.
Example telling someone--"love ya," as a casual good bye but don't truly meaning it.
You know what all love means according to God's Words. Do you really love totally everyone you say--'love ya?" Trust me, a spouse knows when their spouse truly means --I love you, for the spouses daily actions speak louder than their words.
Remember, 'What you speak is what you get!" So, if you want people, or God to know how much you love,--then speak to all----the words you yourself want to hear!!!
Say only the words you want to hear coming from their mouths. Treat others the way you want to be treated, our Lord tells us.
His last commandment--"Love others as I have loved you."
Dear ones, to all who are bitter and angry out there---only you can change the attitude, change your choice of words, or continue to live in 'hell, surrounded by sh-tty messes, or worse yet being f-cked with, screwed and truly pissed off all the time!
Seek God to heal the past, so you can be well. Seek His wisdom. obey and speak only His words so you can be well. Just "say the Word" and you will be healed. Please, for the sake of others, and yourself---desire to be healed!
It is not in the Bible, but what goes round, truly comes round and back at you. Calling others "a Jack or dumb Ass' will have them come braying and kicking back at you!!
Do you want to be well? Rise your thoughts, your actions, your whole being and be one with God--seeing the truth that He speaks always. Open the doors of your heart and ask Jesus and the Holy Spirit to come in and reveal to you 'why' you are so angry inside---if you want to be free of that hell you live in.